Meeting #2028
Updated by Evgeniy Pavlovskiy over 6 years ago
25 minutes for one presentation.
Each student has to present a research.
Opened list of cutting-edge topics:
|ResNet, ResNeXt| K. He, X. Zhang, S. Ren, and J. Sun. Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition. In CVPR, 2016|*Petr Gusev*|1-nov|
|Dynamic Word Embeddings|| *Andrey Zubkov*|25-oct|
| Capsule NN|Paper:, presentation:|*Klim Markelov*|25-oct|
| MixUp |, ("AdaMixUp": in addition)| *Vitaly Poteshkin* |25-oct|
| Variational Autoencoders || || *Anastasia Malysheva*|1-nov|
| ArcFace ||*Sergeyev Artem*|-|
| UMAP | McInnes, Leland and John Healy (2018). “UMAP: Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection for Dimension Reduction”. In: ArXiv e-prints. arXiv: "1802.03426 [stat.ML]":|*Burgeot Guillaume*|-|
| Siamese NN||*Roman Kozinets*|29-nov|
| Quantum Semantics||*Chakrabathy Anik*|1-nov|
| MobileNN||*Akilesh Sivaswamy*|8-nov|
| Triplet Loss||*Mulley Loss||*Mulley Loïc*|-|
| Sobolev Training ||*Luchkina Anastasia*|3-dec|
|Rapids AI | |*Juan Fernando Pinzon Correa*|15-nov|
|Attentioned based LSTM||**Munyaradzi Njera**|15-nov|
|CycleGAN||*Leyuan Sheng*|3-dec|
|RNN for Speech Recognition|?|*Yakovenko Olga*|-|
|Bayesian Conditional Density Filtering|?|*Lee Wonjae*|8-nov|
|Deep Learning in Mobile and Wireless Networks: a Survey||*Ravi Kumar*|15-nov|
|tSNE|Maaten L., Hinton G. Visualizing data using t-SNE //Journal of machine learning research. – 2008. – Т. 9. – №. Nov. – С. 2579-2605.|*Razizadeh Omid*|29-nov|
|Natural language based financial forecasting: a survey|Xing F. Z., Cambria E., Welsch R. E. Natural language based financial forecasting: a survey //Artificial Intelligence Review. – 2018. – Т. 50. – №. 1. – С. 49-73.|*Tsvaki Jetina*|29-nov|
|Super-Resolution|Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network| *Siyoto Owen*|29-nov|
|LIME (local interpretable model-agnostic explanations)|Ribeiro M. T., Singh S., Guestrin C. Why should i trust you?: Explaining the predictions of any classifier //Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining. – ACM, 2016. – С. 1135-1144.|*Tagirova Elizaveta*|3-dec|
|XNOR-Net||*Potapova Polina*|8-nov|
|? | or|*Melnikov A General Hybrid Clustering Technique||*Melnikov Arsentiy*|-|
|Prediction of enhancer-promoter interactions via natural language processing||*Fishman Daniil*|3-Dec|
These students still didn't selected a paper to report:
1st year students
# *Averyanov Evgeniy*
# *Rogalsky Ivan*
# *Urynbassarov Mukhtar*
# *Machet Julien*
2nd year students
# *Gyamerah Seth*
# *Kurochkin Evgeniy*
Each student has to present a research.
Opened list of cutting-edge topics:
|ResNet, ResNeXt| K. He, X. Zhang, S. Ren, and J. Sun. Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition. In CVPR, 2016|*Petr Gusev*|1-nov|
|Dynamic Word Embeddings|| *Andrey Zubkov*|25-oct|
| Capsule NN|Paper:, presentation:|*Klim Markelov*|25-oct|
| MixUp |, ("AdaMixUp": in addition)| *Vitaly Poteshkin* |25-oct|
| Variational Autoencoders || || *Anastasia Malysheva*|1-nov|
| ArcFace ||*Sergeyev Artem*|-|
| UMAP | McInnes, Leland and John Healy (2018). “UMAP: Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection for Dimension Reduction”. In: ArXiv e-prints. arXiv: "1802.03426 [stat.ML]":|*Burgeot Guillaume*|-|
| Siamese NN||*Roman Kozinets*|29-nov|
| Quantum Semantics||*Chakrabathy Anik*|1-nov|
| MobileNN||*Akilesh Sivaswamy*|8-nov|
| Triplet Loss||*Mulley Loss||*Mulley Loïc*|-|
| Sobolev Training ||*Luchkina Anastasia*|3-dec|
|Rapids AI | |*Juan Fernando Pinzon Correa*|15-nov|
|Attentioned based LSTM||**Munyaradzi Njera**|15-nov|
|CycleGAN||*Leyuan Sheng*|3-dec|
|RNN for Speech Recognition|?|*Yakovenko Olga*|-|
|Bayesian Conditional Density Filtering|?|*Lee Wonjae*|8-nov|
|Deep Learning in Mobile and Wireless Networks: a Survey||*Ravi Kumar*|15-nov|
|tSNE|Maaten L., Hinton G. Visualizing data using t-SNE //Journal of machine learning research. – 2008. – Т. 9. – №. Nov. – С. 2579-2605.|*Razizadeh Omid*|29-nov|
|Natural language based financial forecasting: a survey|Xing F. Z., Cambria E., Welsch R. E. Natural language based financial forecasting: a survey //Artificial Intelligence Review. – 2018. – Т. 50. – №. 1. – С. 49-73.|*Tsvaki Jetina*|29-nov|
|Super-Resolution|Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network| *Siyoto Owen*|29-nov|
|LIME (local interpretable model-agnostic explanations)|Ribeiro M. T., Singh S., Guestrin C. Why should i trust you?: Explaining the predictions of any classifier //Proceedings of the 22nd ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge discovery and data mining. – ACM, 2016. – С. 1135-1144.|*Tagirova Elizaveta*|3-dec|
|XNOR-Net||*Potapova Polina*|8-nov|
|? | or|*Melnikov A General Hybrid Clustering Technique||*Melnikov Arsentiy*|-|
|Prediction of enhancer-promoter interactions via natural language processing||*Fishman Daniil*|3-Dec|
These students still didn't selected a paper to report:
1st year students
# *Averyanov Evgeniy*
# *Rogalsky Ivan*
# *Urynbassarov Mukhtar*
# *Machet Julien*
2nd year students
# *Gyamerah Seth*
# *Kurochkin Evgeniy*