


Meeting #2054

Updated by Klim Markelov about 6 years ago

25 minutes for one presentation.
Main requirements to presentation:
* to be prepared in LaTeX,
* to be short, understandable, clear and convinient,
* no more than 20 minutes for content deliver and 5 for questions,
* references on the last slide

Each student has to present a research and part of his thesis.

Opened list of cutting-edge topics:
| Manifold MixUp | Manifold Mixup: Better Representations by Interpolating Hidden States. URL: |-| |
| SphereFace | SphereFace: Deep Hypersphere Embedding for Face Recognition URL:|-| |
| UMAP | McInnes, Leland and John Healy (2018). “UMAP: Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection for Dimension Reduction”. In: ArXiv e-prints. arXiv: "1802.03426 [stat.ML]":|||
| DisCoCat model| arXiv: 1311.1539 -from Bob Coecke and Mernoosh Sarzadeh- URL: -|*Elizaveta Tagirova*|Feb-28|
|DisCoCat toy model||*Anik Chakrabarthy*|Mar-14|
| Triplet Loss||*Alexandra Luchkina*|Mar-7|
|Style transfer SotA (state-of-the-art)| A Style-Based Generator Architecture for Generative Adversarial Networks. Image to image translation. URL: |*Klim Markelov* | Mar-14|
|Pixel Recurrent Neural Networks | URL:|Omid Razizadeh|Mar-14|
|Performance of Word Embeddings|review and experience|Andrey Zubkov|Mar-7|
|CosFace||*Akilesh Sivaswamy*|Mar-7|
|CNN for speech command recognition. Review||*Roman Kozinets*||
|Text clustering | URL: arXiv:1701.00185 |*Evgeniy Kurochkin*|Mar-7|
|Quantum-Theoretic Approach in Dicstr. Semantics|Blacoe|*Ivan Rogalsky*|Apr-4|
|State of the art Deep Learning: Evolving Machine Intelligence Toward Tomorrow's|*Ravi Kumar*|Mar-28|
|Solving the Quantum Many-Body problem with ANN||*Munjaradzi Njera*|Mar-28|
|Predicting Oil Movement in a development System Using Deep Latent Dynamic Models|*Jetina Tsvaki*|Apr-18|
|Artificial Intelligence Safety and Cybersecurity: a Timeline of AI Failures| URL: arXiv: 1610.07997|*Thomas Vialars*||
|Review on master topic||*Seth Gyamerah*|?|
|Outside the closed world: On Using ML for Network Intrusion Detection|*Dylan Bersans*|Apr-18|
|Tacotron 2||*Leyuan Sheng*|?|

Opened list of reports on master thesis (statement of work, review, and results):
|\3=.1st year students|
|Chakrabarti Anik | |May-16|
|Razizadeh Omid | |May-16|
|Siyoto Owen | ||
|Munyaradzi Njera | |May-23|
|Averyanov Evgeniy | ||
|Kozinets Roman | |May-16|
|Melnikov Arsentiy | ||
|Potapova Polina | ||
|Rogalsky Ivan |Open System Categorical Quantum Semantics in NLP (master thesis, review) |Apr-18|
|Urynbassarov Mukhtar | ||
|Yakovenko Olga | ||
|Tagirova Elizaveta | ||
|Tsvaki Jetina | |May-16|
|Ravi Kumar | |Apr-18|
|\3=.2st year students|
|Leyuan Sheng | |Apr-25 |
|Akilesh Sivaswamy | |Apr-4 |
|Juan Fernando Pinzon Correa | |Apr-11 |
|Gyamerah Seth | | |
|Фишман Даниил Семенович | | |
|Гусев Петр Андреевич | | |
|Курочкин Евгений Александрович | |Apr-25 |
|Лучкина Александра Дмитриевна | |Apr-25 |
|Малышева Анастасия Дмитриевна | | |
|Сергеев Артем Евгеньевич | | |
|Зубков Андрей Викторович | |Apr-25 |
|Потешкин Виталий Сергеевич | | |
|Маркелов Клим Васильевич | |Apr-11 |
|Тусупова Мадина Джамалбековна | | |
|Маринов Андрей Игоревич | | |

These students still didn't selected a paper to report:
1st year students
* someone

2nd year students
* someone
