


Meeting #2277

Updated by Evgeniy Pavlovskiy over 5 years ago

1. Separability of silent speech phonemes for English language, Speaker and session independence (Master thesis), *Andrey Zubkov* Andrey Zubkov
2. Convolutional Variational Autoencoders for Audio Feature Representation in Speech Recognition Systems, *Olga Yakovenko* Olga Yakovenko
3. Automatic correlation of well logs using machine learning methods (Master thesis), *Evgeniy Kurochkin* Evgeniy Kurochkin
4. Automatic facies classification from well logs data using machine learnings method (Master thesis)s, *Alexandra Luchkina* Alexandra Luchkina
5. Text to speech synthesis using Generative Adversarial Networks (Master thesis), *Leyuan Sheng* Leyuan Sheng
6. The development and research of the prediction methods for time series obtained by the combination of different patterns (Master thesis), *Anastasiya Malysheva* Anastasiya Malysheva
7. Sentiment analysis in social media texts (for the Spanish language), *Juan Pinzon* Juan Pinzon

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