


Meeting #3424

Updated by Evgeniy Pavlovskiy almost 5 years ago

1 Elena Voskoboy Coursework "presentation":/attachments/download/
2 Abhishek Saxena Coursework "presentation":/attachments/download/
3 Vladislav Panferov Traditional Method Inspired Deep Neural Network for Edge Detection "presentation":/attachments/download/2997 "presentation":/attachments/download/
4 Sergey Garmaev Coursework "presentation":/attachments/download/
5 Nikita Nikolaev Coursework "presentation":/attachments/download/
6 Mohamed Nasser Coursework "presentation":/attachments/download/
7 Watana Pongsapas Coursework "presentation":/attachments/download/
8 Alix Bernard Coursework "presentation":/attachments/download/
9 Andrey Yashkin Coursework "presentation":/attachments/download/
10 Thibault Kollen Gogioso S. A Corpus-based Toy Model for DisCoCat //arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.04013. โ€“ 2016. URL: "presentation":/attachments/download/
11 Geoffroy de Felcourt Shen J. et al. Natural tts synthesis by conditioning wavenet on mel spectrogram predictions //2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). โ€“ IEEE, 2018. โ€“ ะก. 4779-4783. URL: "presentation":/attachments/download/
12 Antoine Logeais Skip-thoughts, Infersent, RandSent - Facebook "presentation":/attachments/download/
13 Richard Fambon Vorontsov K. et al. Bigartm: Open source library for regularized multimodal topic modeling of large collections //International Conference on A "presentation":/attachments/download/
14 Owen Siyoto Learning to interpret satellite images in global scale using wikipedia "presentation":/attachments/download/

