



From 2016-08-07 to 2016-12-04


14:48 Task #1249 (New): Modeling
Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
14:48 Task #1248 (New): Construction
Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
10:02 Task #1244 (New): Data Preparation
Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
10:02 Task #1243 (New): Elaboration
jjkhjkhkjhjkhkjhkkj [[PMBOK]] Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
10:01 Task #1242 (New): Preliminary plan
elaborate a preliminary plan to achieve the objectives defined in
Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
09:57 Task #1241 (New): Data Understanding
* get initial data
* get familiar with the data
* identify data quality problems
* detect interesting subsets to f...
Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
09:52 Task #1240 (New): Business understanding
* prepare the list of [[project objectives]] and requirements from a business perspective
* convert this knowledge i...
Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
09:02 Task #1238 (New): Inception
Evgeniy Pavlovskiy

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