


Research topics 2017 » History » Version 15

Version 14 (Evgeniy Pavlovskiy, 2017-11-24 14:07) → Version 15/23 (Evgeniy Pavlovskiy, 2017-11-24 14:10)

h1. Research topics

1. *Semantic contracts* development: semantic models, *blockchain*, semantic programming [SDI]

* Boris Illarionov
* Konstantin Startsev

2. New forecasting method development *in Finance* [VEE]

* Seth Gyamerah

3. *Logically probabilistic* deep learning [VEE]

4. *Human comprehension* and new notion formation modeling [VEE]

5. *Proof-or-Reputation* consensus algorithm for distributed computing (mathematical study of security and simulation modeling) [KAG]

6. Structuring society and figuring out *opinion leaders* using online communication data (using machine learning and different data sources and subject domains) [KAG]

7. Extracting *emotional contexts* from online communication data (using machine learning and different data sources and subject domains) [KAG]

* Juan Pinzon

8. *Unsupervised learning* of linguistic patterns and grammar (using machine learning and training corpora from different domains and languages) [KAG]

9. Unconventional measurement scale based on *non-numeric measurements* [PEN]

10. Infinite *Hilbers spaces* for representation of *distributed* deep learning feature space [PEN]

11. *Mixed-channel* pattern recognition [PEN]

* Akilesh Sivaswamy
* Leyuan Sheng
* ? Andrey Zubkov

12. NeuroImage: *noise rejection* [SAN]

13. NeuroImage: *localization of brain sources* [SAN]

14. NeuroImage: analysis of *brain networks* [SAN]

15. *Gene-networks* and social behavior [SAN]

16. *Picking arrival times* of seismic waves using machine learning [DAA]

17. *Clustering of seismic events* using machine learning [DAA]

18. Development of storage and analysis methods of multidimensional and heterogeneous data in parallel systems focused on the use of *analytical streaming tools* [MFA]

* Madina Tussupova

h1. Scientific advisors

h2. Sviridenko, Dmitry Ivanovich [SDI], Doctor of Sciences

Leading researcher at SDAML lab NSU, leading researcher at Sobolev Institute of Mathematics.

h2. "Vityaev, Evgeniy Evgenievich": [VEE], Doctor of Sciences

Leading researcher at Sobolev Institute of Mathematics, leading researcher at SDAML lab NSU.
Keyword: ScientificDiscovery (can be found via every search engine).


h2. Kolonin, Anton Germanovich [KAG], Ph.D.


h2. "Pavlovskiy, Engeny Nikolaevich": [PEN], Ph.D.

Contacts:, +79139117907

h2. "Savostyanov, Savostyanov, Alexander Nikolaevich": Nikolaevich [SAN], Ph.D.

Contacts:, +79529272417

h2. "Duchkov, Anton": [DAA], Ph.D.

Contacts: "Anton Duchkov": (; +7-913-953-1799);
Georgy Loginov (

h2. Murzin, Fedor Aleksandrovich [MFA], Ph.D.

Candidate of Phys.-Math. Sc.,
tel: 330-70-68