


Seminars schedule » History » Version 353

Version 352 (Evgeniy Pavlovskiy, 2020-10-06 18:25) → Version 353/552 (Evgeniy Pavlovskiy, 2020-10-13 15:31)

h1. Seminar "Big Data Analytics"

(sorted by later first)

h2. Schedule 2020, fall

Tuesday, 16:20, online:

h3. September, 2020

|8, #3879|Planning the semester|
|15, #3898|Invited lecture: Anton Kolonin, "scientific topics for master":
Planning the semester|
|22, #4005|Invited lecture: Dmitry Tailakov, "scientific topics for master":, "Enterprise Practice from DFT, and from SDAML NSU":/issues/4005
Planning the semester|
|29, #4100|Evgeniy Pavlovskiy @euxsun. "Topics for master thesis":
Planning the semester|

h3. October, 2020

|6, #4197|Sergey Berezin. Towards a Human-like Open-Domain Chatbot
Nikita Nikolaev. Sentence-BERT: Sentence Embeddings using Siamese BERT-Networks - IJCNLP 2019 - cited by 194.
Virgilio Espina. Reinforcement learning applied to Forex trading.
Khue Luu. Generative Adversarial Networks
Vladislav Panferov. Progressive Semantic-Aware Style Transformation for Blind Face Restoration|
|13, #|Daria Pirozhkova. OpenNRE: An Open and Extensible Toolkit for Neural Relation Extraction
-Oladotun Oladotun Aluko. Transformer-OCR (moved due illnes of the reporter)
Dinesh Reddy. Community detection in social networks
Kirill Lunev. Data mining with big data
Walid Koliai. VoiceFilter from Google|
|20, #|Kaivalya Pandey. 3D Self-Supervised Methods for Medical Imaging,
Maria Matveeva. The value of big data for credit scoring: Enhancing financial inclusion using mobile phone data and social network analytics
Enes Kuzucu. Deep Learning Applications in Medical Image Analysis /2018/251cit
Andrey Yashkin. Semantic Image Synthesis with Spatially-Adaptive Normalization
Oladotun Aluko. Transformer-OCR| ~~ Timeslot ~~|
|27, #|Rusnak Alexander. Neural oblivious decision ensembles for deep learning on tabular data,
Vladislav Panferov. Thesis: .
Virgilio Espina. Thesis: Dengue Prediciton(?) (Supervisor: ?).
Ahmed Fakhry. Opportunities and challenges for quantum-assisted machine learning in near-term quantum computers /2017/59 Cit.
Vassily Baranov. Zero-Shot Learning - A ComprehensiveEvaluation of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly|

h3. November, 2020

|3, #|Khue Luu. Thesis: ?.
Mikhail Liz. Activate or Not: Learning Customized Activation
Enes Kuzucu. Thesis: ?.
Aaron Xu Zhang. You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection (and YOLO-5).
Ahmed Fakhry. Thesis: ?.|
|10, #|Alexey Korolev. Plug and Play Language Models: A Simple Approach to Controlled Text Generation
Rishabh Tiwarri. Mask R-CNN
Kirill Kalmutskiy. XGBoost: A Scalable Tree Boosting System
Hami Asmai. Predictive big data analytics for supply chain demand forecasting: methods, applications, and research opportunities
Vassily Baranov. Thesis: (to be updated) (Supervisor: V.B. Berikov).|
|17, #|Sayed Mohammad Sajjadi. Online actions with offline impact: How online social networks influence online and offline user behavior
Alix Bernard. Field Inversion and Machine Learning With Embedded Neural Networks: Physics-Consistent Neural Network Training
Alexander Donets. Entity, Relation, and Event Extraction with Contextualized Span Representations
Sergey Pnev. Deep neural networks for youtube recommendations
Mikhail Rodin. Classification is a Strong Baseline for Deep Metric Learning|
|24, #|Mukul Vishvas. DeepFaceDrawing: Deep Generation of Face Images from Sketches
Segery Berezin. Thesis: ?.
Mohammed Sweilam. Consistent Video Depth Estimation
Watana Pongsapas. ---------.
Raphael Blankson. A variational Algorithm for Quantum Neural Networks|

h3. December, 2020

20 minutes for each presentation.

|1, #|Rohan Rathore. Does BERT Make Any Sense?
Mikhail Rodin. Thesis: (didn't defined) Supervirsor: V.B.Barakhnin, I.Bondarenko.
Sayed Mohammed Sajjadi. Thesis: ?.
Oladotun Aluko. Thesis: Studying Applicability of PoR as an alternative consensus mechanism for Distributed Ledger Systems. Supervisor: A.Kolonin.
Aaron Xu Zhang. Thesis: ?.
Walid Koliai. Thesis: ?.|
|8, #|Rohan Rathore. Thesis: Supervisor: A.Kolonin.
Kirill Kalmutskiy. Thesis.
Kirill Lunev. Thesis.
Mikhail Liz. Thesis.
Rusnak Alexander. Thesis.
Hami Ismail. Thesis: Recognition of different objects of oilfield infrastructure by machine learning methods. Supervisor: Dmitry Tailakov.
_Maxim Kochanov. *Paper(?)*. (15 min)_
_Mark Baushenko. Neural Supersampling for Real-time Rendering. (15 min)_|
|15, #|Kaivalya Pandey. Thesis.
Alix Bernard. Thesis.
Daria Pirozhkova. Thesis: Study of methods for automatic taxonomy enrichment for the Russian language. advisor: Batura T.
Mukul Vishwas. Thesis.
Andrey Yashkin. Thesis.
_Sergey Verbitsky. Environment Sound Classification. (15 min)_|
|22, #|Rishabh Tiwarri. Thesis.
Nikita Nikoaev. Thesis.
Alexey Koroloev. Thesis.
Watana Pongsapas. Thesis
Mohammed Sweilam. Thesis.
_Svelana Kuchuganova. Mixup Breakdown Algorithm. (15 min)_|
|29, #|Sergey Pnev. Thesis.
Alexander Donets. Thesis.
Maria Matveeva. Thesis.
Raphael Blankson. Thesis.
Dinesh Reddy. Thesis.|

h2. Schedule 2020, spring

Thursday, 16:20, -cab 0207 NSU new building, '-1' elevator floor-, online:

h3. June, 2020

|4, #3424|*Elena Voskoboy* Coursework
*Abhishek Saxena* Coursework
*Vladislav Panferov* Traditional Method Inspired Deep Neural Network for Edge Detection
*Sergey Garmaev* Coursework
*Nikita Nikolaev* Coursework
*Owen Siyoto* Learning to interpret satellite images in global scale using wikipedia
*Mohamed Nasser* Coursework
*Watana Pongsapas* Coursework
*Alix Bernard* Coursework
*Andrey Yashkin* Coursework
*Thibault Kollen* Gogioso S. A Corpus-based Toy Model for DisCoCat //arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.04013. – 2016. URL:
*Geoffroy de Felcourt* Shen J. et al. Natural tts synthesis by conditioning wavenet on mel spectrogram predictions //2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). – IEEE, 2018. – С. 4779-4783. URL:
*Antoine Logeais* Skip-thoughts, Infersent, RandSent - Facebook
*Richard Fambon* Vorontsov K. et al. Bigartm: Open source library for regularized multimodal topic modeling of large collections //International Conference on Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts. – Springer, Cham, 2015. – С. 370-381. URL: ||

h3. May, 2020

|7, #3241|*Ravi Kumar* Master
*Owen Siyoto* Master
*Oladotun Aluko* Coursework
*Alexander Rusnak* Coursework
*Vladislav Panferov* Coursework
*Abhishek Saxena* Blockchain for AI: Review and open research challenges
*Mikhail Liz* Coursework|
|14, #3248|*Kaivalya Pandey* Coursework
*Andrey Yashkin* Coursework
*Rohan Rathore* Coursework
-*Sergey Garmaev* Coursework- rescheduled for June 4
*Dinesh Reddy* Coursework
-*Elena Voskoboy* Coursework- rescheduled for June 4
*Munyaradzi Njera* Paper
*Munyaradzi Njera* Master Thesis|
|21, #3283|*Daria Pirozhkova* Coursework
*Alexey Korolev* Coursework
*Mohamed Nasser* End-to-End 3D Face Reconstruction with Deep Neural Networks
-*Alexander Donets* Coursework- (academic vacation)
-*Rishabh Tiwari* Coursework- shifted to the next week
*Olga Yakovenko* Master thesis|
|28, #3325|-*Alix Bernard* Coursework- postponed to the next week
*Mukul Vishwas* Coursework
-*Watana Pongsapas* Coursework- postponed to the next week
*Raphael Blankson* Coursework
-*Nikita Nikolaev* Coursework- rescheduled for June, 4
-*Olga Yakovenko* Master thesis- (presented 21.05.2020)
*Rishabh Tiwari* Coursework|

h3. April, 2020

|2, #|[Optional] Daia Scientist - values of a professional|
|9 -2-, #3202|*Thibault Kollen* Flipout: Efficient pseudo-independent weight perturbations on mini-batches
*Richard Fambon* Tensor Networks
*Alexander Rusnak* GPT-2
*Dinesh Reddy* Brain Tumor Sementation Using Deep Learning by Type Specific Sorting of Images
*Alix Bernard* Deep Learning based Approach to Reduced Order Modelling
*Ravi Kumar* Complex Convolution. IEEE
*Olga Yakovenko* University of Pau|
|16 -9-, #3226|*Rohan Rathore* Layer-wise relevance propagation: an overview
*Antoine Logeais* Weight uncertainty in neural networks
-*Owen Siyoto* Learning to interpret satellite images in global scale using wikipedia-
*Alexey Korolev* Bert-dst: Scalable end-to-end dialogue state tracking with bidirectional encoder representations from transformer
*Alexander Donets* Implicit weight uncertainty in neural networks|
|23 -16-, #3225|*Jetina Tsvaki* Understanding mixup training methods
*Jetina Tsvaki* Master
*Mukul Vishwas* A Study on Face Recognition Techniques with Age and Gender Classification
*Rishabh Tiwari*
*Geoffroy de Felcourt* Jasper: An end-to-end convolutional neural acoustic model
*Fishman Daniil* XGBoost: A Scalable Tree Boosting System
*Fishman Daniil* Master
-*Mikhail Rodin* Grad-CAM: Visual Explanations from Deep Networks via Gradient-based Localization-|
|30, #3240|*Raphael Blankson* Towards quantum machine learning with tensor networks
*Vassily Baranov* Coursework
*Kalmutskiy Kirill* Coursework
-*Mikhail Liz* Coursework- (illness)
*Mikhail Rodin* Grad-CAM: Visual Explanations from Deep Networks via Gradient-based Localization|

h3. March, 2020

|5, #3137|-*Elena Voskoboy* Hybrid VAE for NLG-
*Mikhail Liz* Deep learning for symbolic mathematics
*Vassily Baranov* Distilling knowledge
-*Andrey Yashkin*-
*Sergey Garmaev* Reservoir Computing|
|12, #3138|*Oladotun Aluko* NASNet and AutoML
*Watana Pongsapas* Deep learning: A Generic approach for extreme condition traffic
*Kirill Kalmutsky* Variational Quantum Circuits and Deep Reinforcement Learning
*Andrey Yashkin* Quantum circuit learning|
|19, #3139|*-Geoffroy de Felcourt-*
*Elena Voskoboy* Hybrid VAE for NLG
~~25 min slot~~|
|26, #3190|*Omid Razizadeh* Reynolds Averaged Turbulence Modeling using Deep Neural Networks with Embedded Invariance.
*Omid Razizadeh* Master thesis
*Kaivalya Pandey* Deep Reinforcement Learning
-*Alix Bernard* Deep Learning based Approach to Reduced Order Modelling-.|

h3. February, 2020

|6, #3133|Planning the semester|
|13, #3133|Planning the semester|
|20, #3136|*Nikita Nikolaev* Zero and Few shot learning
~~25 min slot~~
~~25 min slot~~
~~25 min slot~~|
|27, #3135|*Daria Pirozhkova* ERNIE
-*Sergey Garmaev* Reservoir Computing-
~~25 min slot~~
~~25 min slot~~|

h2. Schedule 2019, fall

Thursday, 18:10, cab 5239 NSU new building

h3. December, 2019

|5, #2819|*Rohan Rahore* “Why Should I Trust You?” Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifier
*Jetina Tsvaki* Thesis
*Omid Razizadeh* Thesis
-*Mihail Rodin* Style transfer-
-*Mohammed Sweilam*-|
|12, #2860|*Ravi Kumar* Thesis
*Raphael Blankson*
*Nikita Nikolaev*
*Abhishek Saxena*
*Rishabh Tiwarri*|
|19, #2946|Conducted by *Kaivalya Anand Pandey*
*Jetina Tsvaki* Paper
-*Elizaveta Tagirova* Paper with code: Deep-speare: A Joint Neural Model of Poetic Language, Meter and Rhyme-
-*Elizaveta Tagirova* Master thesis-
-*Vladislav Panferov*-
*Mikhail Liz* CosFace
*Alexander Rusnak*|
|26, #|*Mihail Rodin* Style transfer
*Mohammed Sweilam*
-*Alexander Rusnak*-
*Owen Siyoto* Master thesis
*Owen Siyoto* Efficient Net
* *Elizaveta Tagirova* Paper with code: Deep-speare: A Joint Neural Model of Poetic Language, Meter and Rhyme-
* *Elizaveta Tagirova* Master thesis
* *Vladislav Panferov*|

h3. November, 2019

|7, #2660|*Sergey Garmaev*
*Dinesh Reddy*
*Daria Pirozhkova*
-*Oladotun Aluko*-
*Ravi Kumar* Segmentation of Brain Tumors and Patient Survival Prediction: Methods for the BraTS 2018 Challenge|
|14, #2720|*Roman Kozinets*, Weight Agnostic Neural Networks
*Roman Kozinets*, Master thesis
*Elena Voskoboy* A neural algorithm of artistic style
*Alix Bernard*
-*Oladotun Aluko*-|
|21, #2726|*Kaivalya Pandey*
*Alexander Donets*
-*Rishabh Tiwari*-
*Andrey Yashkin*
*Oladotun Aluko*|
|28, #2766|*Alexey Korolev*
*Kirill Kalmutskiy*
*Mukul Vishwas*
*Antoine Kristanek*|

h3. October, 2019

|3, #2447|~~25 min slot~~
~~25 min slot~~
~~25 min slot~~
~~25 min slot~~|
|10, #2456|Scientific Advisor: prof. Yakovenko S.N.
Scientific Advisor: Postovalov S.N.
Scientific Advisor: Bondarenko I., Batura T.V.
~~25 min slot~~|
|17, #2473|*Munyaradzi Njera* Paper
~~25 min slot~~
~~25 min slot~~
~~25 min slot~~|
|24, #|Scientific Advisor: prof. Palchunov D.E.
*Munyaradzi Njera* Thesis
*Vassily Baranov*|
|31, #2638|*Omid Razizadeh*, Data-driven predictive using field inversion
~~25 min slot~~
*Watana Pongsapas*
-*Ravi Kumar* Segmentation of Brain Tumors and Patient Survival Prediction: Methods for the BraTS 2018 Challenge-|

h3. September, 2019

1. Introduction
2. Scientific advisors presentations:

# Taylakov D. (Digital Field Technology)
# Kolonin A.
# Okunev A.
# Usov E. (

To be presented:
# ... see

3. Planning the semester #2435 (20.09.2019, 26.09.2019)

h2. Schedule 2019, spring
Thursday, 16:20, cab 5212 NSU new building

h3. May, 2019

|23, #|*Munjaradzi Njera* Master thesis
*Andrey Marinov*: Selsam, D., Lamm, M., Bünz, B., Liang, P., de Moura, L., & Dill, D. L. (2018). Learning a SAT solver from single-bit supervision. arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.03685.
*Ravi Kumar* Course work
-*Klim Markelov* Master thesis-
*Roman Kozinets* Master thesis (imaging)
*Anton Dorozhko* Reinforcement Learning for long-term reward optimization in recommender systems (Master thesis)
*Omid Razizadeh* Coursework: Detecting Alzheimer's disease using different machine learning approaches
*Artem Sergeev* Paper: Speech Commands: A Dataset for Limited-Vocabulary Speech Recognition
*Artem Sergeev* Master Thesis|
|16, #|*Jetina Tsvaki* Master thesis
*Anik Chakrabarthy* Master thesis
*Dylan Bersans* Outside the closed world: On Using ML for Network Intrusion Detection
*Andrey Marinov* Master thesis: Research on an efficiency of the bilingual model for the silent speech recognition.
*Ivan Rogalsky* Open System Categorical Quantum Semantics in NLP (master thesis, review)
*Jetina Tsvaki* Predicting Oil Movement in a development System Using Deep Latent Dynamic Models|

h3. April, 2019

|25, #|Open Seminar jointly with Open Data Science Siberia
*Andrey Zubkov* Master thesis: Separability of silent speech phonemes for English language. Speaker and session independence.
*Evgeniy Kurochkin* Master thesis
*Alexandra Luchkina* Master thesis
*Leyuan Sheng* Master thesis: Text to speech synthesis using Generative Adversarial networks for speech enhancement.
*Malysheva Anastasia* Master thesis: The development and research of the prediction methods for time series obtained by the combination of different patterns.
*Olga Yakovenko* Course work
*Juan Pinzon* Master thesis: Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Texts (Spanish language)
|18, #|-*Ivan Rogalsky* Open System Categorical Quantum Semantics in NLP (master thesis, review)
*Ravi Kumar* Master thesis
*Jetina Tsvaki* Predicting Oil Movement in a development System Using Deep Latent Dynamic Models
*Dylan Bersans* Outside the closed world: On Using ML for Network Intrusion Detection
*Olga Yakovenko* Course work
*Juan Pinzon* Master thesis- replaced by
*Natalia Loukashevich* Modern trends on NLP (Tochka Kipenia, Academpark, 16:00, 18.04.2019)|
|11, #2164|*Leyuan Sheng* Tacotron 2
-*Klim Markelov* Master thesis-
-*Juan Pinzon* Master thesis-
*Ravi Kumar* State of the art Deep Learning: Evolving Machine Intelligence Toward Tomorrow's
*Malysheva Anastasia* Attention is all you need |
|4, #2146|*Roman Kozinets* CNN for speech command recognition. Review
-*Ivan Rogalsky* Quantum-Theoretic Approach in Dicstr. Semantics-
*Akilesh Sivaswamy* Master thesis: Data classification using superposition and HMM
*Madina Tussupova* Master Thesis: Determination of grammatical categories using machine learning algorithms
*Madina Tussupova* 5.3. Wieting J., Kiela D. No Training Required: Exploring Random Encoders for Sentence Classification //arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.10444. – 2019. URL (20 min)|

h3. March, 2019

|28, #2105|-*Ravi Kumar* State of the art Deep Learning: Evolving Machine Intelligence Toward Tomorrow's-
*Munjaradzi Njera* Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning
*Thomas Vialars* Artificial Intelligence Safety and Cybersecurity: a Timeline of AI Failures
*Petr Gusev* MXNet
*Petr Gusev* Master Thesis|
|21, #2086|*Juan Pinzon* Universal Language Model Fine-tuning for Text Classification
*Elizaveta Tagirova* Master Thesis
-*Petr Gusev* MXNet-
-*Seth Gyamerah* Understanding consumer behavior-|
|14, #2076|*Omid Razizadeh* Pixel Recurrent Neural Networks.
*Klim Markelov* A Style-Based Generator Architecture for Generative Adversarial Networks.
*Anik Chakrabarthy* DisCoCat toy model
*Akilesh Sivaswamy* CosFace|
|7, #2071|-*Andrey Zubkov* Performance of Word Embeddings- (previously reported)
*Alexandra Luchkina* Triplet loss
*Evgeniy Kurochkin* Self-Taught Convolutional Neural Networks for Short Text Clustering
*Olga Yakovenko* BigARTM|

h3. February, 2019

|28, #2058|*Elizaveta Tagirova* Universal Sentence Encoder
*Andrey Zubkov* Neurohackathon on autism disorder: prized solution
~~time slot (25 min)~~
~~time slot (25 min)~~|
|21, #2054|*Vyacheslav Mukhortov* Project Management Practice: teambiudling and project tasks.
*Evgeniy Pavlovskiy* Planning of academic seminar for Spring, 2019|

h2. Schedule 2018, fall
Thursday, 18:10, cab 5273 NSU new building

h3. December, 2018

|6, #2034|*Leyuan Sheng*, CycleGAN
*Tagirova Elizaveta*. LIME (local interpretable model-agnostic explanations)
*Luchkina Alexandra*, Sobolev Training
*Fishman Daniil*, Prediction of enhancer-promoter interactions via natural language processing|
|13, #|*Anton Kolonin*. Topics for master work.
*Evgeniy Averyanov*, Schmidt, Mark. Minimizing finite sums with the stochastic average gradient / M. Schmidt, N. Le Roux, F. Bach // Mathematical Programming. — 2017. — Vol. 162(1). — P. 83–112. — URL:
*Polina Potapova*, XNOR-Net,
*Lee Wonjai*. Bayesian CDF (continue with example)
|20, #|-*Artem Sergeev*. ArcFace-
*Gyamerah Seth*, Fuzzy time series on financial forecasting
-*Mulley Loic*, Triplet Loss
*Kurochkin Evgeniy*, DenseNet
|27, #|*Julien Machet*, Machine learning top down and bottom up.
*Ivan Rogalsky*
*Arsentiy Melnikov* Teacher student curriculum learning
*Loic Mulley*, Triplet Loss
*Artem Sergeev*, ArcFace|

h3. November, 2018

|1, #|*Petr Gusev*. ResNet, ResNeXt K. He, X. Zhang, S. Ren, and J. Sun. Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition. In CVPR, 2016
*Anastasia Malysheva*, Variational Autoencoders
*Anik Chakrabarthy*. Quantum Semantics
~~25 min slot~~|
|8, #|*Akilesh Sivawamy*, Mobile NN.
*Lee Wonjai*. Bayesian CDF
-*Polina Potapova*, XNOR-Net, (moved to December)
*Olga Yakovenko*, RNN for Speech Recognition|
|15, #|*Ravi Kumar*, Deep Learning in Mobile and Wireless Networks: a Survey
*Munjaradzi Njera*, Attentioned based LSTM
*Juan Fernando Pinzon Correa*, Rapids AI
*Urynbassarov Mukhtar*, GAN|
|22, #|lost|
|29, #|*Roman Kozinets*, Siamese NN
*Omid Razizadeh*, tSNE
*Jetina Tsvaki*, Natural language based financial forecasting: a survey
*Owen Siyoto*, Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network|

h3. October, 2018

|18, #2028|Planning the semester|
|25, #|*Klim Markelov*, Capsule NN
*Andrey Zubkov*, Dynamic Word Embeddings
*Vitaly Poteshkin*, MixUp
Planning the semester|

h3. September, 2018

1. 2nd year students coursework pre-defence: (1) #2008, (2) 14.09.2018.

2. Scientific advisors presentations:

# Taylakov D.
# Savostyanov A.N.
# Duchkov A.
# Golovin S.
# Pavlovskiy E.
# Kohanovskiy A.
# Sviridenko D.
# Redyuk A.
# Vityaev E.

h2. [[Archive]]