


Seminars schedule » History » Version 550

Evgeniy Pavlovskiy, 2024-01-04 12:32

1 430 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h1. Seminar "Big Data Analytics & Artificial Intelligence"
2 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
3 129 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
(sorted by later first)
4 310 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
5 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
6 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h2. Schedule 2023, Autumn
7 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
8 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. September, 2023
9 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
10 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
11 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|14, |Planning||
12 534 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|21, |Finalizing paper selection, [[Papers2023]]||
13 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|28, |||
14 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
15 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. October, 2023
16 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
17 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
18 543 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|5, |*Li Heng*. Paper||
19 540 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|12, |-*Paksyutkin Artem*. Paper- (Moved to Nov-2)
20 543 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Hou Zhenghao*. Paper||
21 543 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|19, |*Satrov Mikhail*. Paper||
22 543 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|26, |*Quianyi Huang*. Paper||
23 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
24 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. November, 2023
25 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
26 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
27 542 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|2, |-*Hou Zhenghao*. Paper- (Switched with Artem) *Paksyutkin Artem*. Paper||
28 542 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|9, |*Zihan Gao*. Paper||
29 549 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|16, |-*JiangFeng Cai*. Paper- (Not presented)|-|
30 537 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|23, |*Hou Zhenghao*. Thesis
31 542 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Lai Xifei*. Paper||
32 544 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|30, |-*Anna Redko*. Paper- (Moved to the next week)
33 539 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Dmitry Litvinenko*. Paper
34 549 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Jiangfeng Cai*. Thesis- (Not presented)||
35 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
36 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. December, 2023
37 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
38 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
39 550 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|7, |-*Li Heng*. Thesis- (Not presented)
40 545 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Dmitry Litvinenko*. Thesis
41 548 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Anna Redko*. Paper- (not presented)||
42 547 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|14, |~*Paksyutkin Artem*. Thesis
43 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Satrov Mikhail*. Thesis
44 547 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Lai Xifei*. Thesis~
45 547 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
(All moved to the next week)||
46 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|21, |*Quianyi Huang*. Thesis
47 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Zihan Gao*. Thesis
48 548 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Anna Redko*. Thesis- (not presented)
49 548 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Anna Redko*. Paper (moved from 7-Dec)
50 547 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Paksyutkin Artem*. Thesis
51 547 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Satrov Mikhail*. Thesis
52 547 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Lai Xifei*. Thesis||
53 538 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|28, |Examination week||
54 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
55 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
15 days * 2
56 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
57 532 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h2. Schedule 2023, Spring
58 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
59 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. February, 2023
60 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
61 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
62 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|9, |||
63 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|16, |
64 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
65 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
1. data2vec (by Evegniy Pavlovskiy)
66 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
2. alpha matting: (by Evegniy Pavlovskiy)
67 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
3. code generation from OpenAI (by Evegniy Pavlovskiy)
68 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
4. qulacs , Please cite this arXiv paper: (by Evegniy Pavlovskiy)
69 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
5. arcface loss (by Mikhail Liz)
70 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
6. Deep Learning for ECG Classification citation 86 , year 2017 (by Enes Kuzucu)
71 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
7. Airbnb Price Prediction Using MachineLearning and Sentiment Analysis citation 13 , year 2019 (by Enes Kuzucu)
72 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
8. Deep Learning for Electromyographic Hand Gesture Signal Classification Using Transfer Learning. 2018, citation 312 (by Enes Kuzucu)
73 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
9. Swin Transformer V2: Scaling Up Capacity and Resolution citations 5, 2021 (SOTA) (by Mikhail Liz)
74 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
10. YOLOv4: Optimal Speed and Accuracy of Object Detection link: (by Alexander Rusnak)
75 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
11. Cut Mix (for data augmentation, related to master Khue Luu)
76 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
12. Speed up Training with Variable Length Inputs by Efficient Batching Strategies ( f.e. Tacotron-2, by Anton Legchenko)
77 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
13. Financial Time Series Prediction Using Deep Learning (16) 2018 (from Virgilio Espina)
78 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
14. Financial Trading as a Game: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach (37) 2018 (from Virgilio Espina)
79 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
15. Trading via Image Classification (15) 2019 (from Virgilio Espina)
80 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
16. Spark NLP: Natural Language Understanding at Scale (11) 2021 (from Virgilio Espina)
81 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
17. Stock Price Prediction via Discovering Multi-Frequency Trading Patterns (171) 2017 (from Virgilio Espina)
82 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
18. Inductive Graph Neural Networks for Spatiotemporal Kriging (18) 2020 (from Virgilio Espina)
83 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
19. Graph Neural Networks in TensorFlow and Keras with Spektral (70) 2020 (from Virgilio Espina)
84 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
20. How Powerful are Graph Neural Networks? (2142) 2018 https://arxiv (from Virgilio Espina)
85 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
21. N-HiTS: Neural Hierarchical Interpolation for Time Series Forecasting (from Alex Barnard)
86 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
22. FinRL: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Quantitative Finance Cited by 16 (From Abhishek Saxena)
87 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
23. Finetuned Language Models Are Zero-Shot Learners (by Maria Matveeva)
88 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
24. SCAN: Learning to Classify Images without Labels (by Maria Matveeva)
89 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
25. TAPAS: Weakly Supervised Table Parsing via Pre-training (by Maria Matveeva)
90 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
26. TruthfulQA: Measuring How Models Mimic Human Falsehoods (by Maria Matveeva)
91 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
27.YOLOX: Exceeding YOLO Series in 2021 ( (by Hami Ismail)
92 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
28. Mask RCNN (  (by Hami Ismail)
93 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
29. Efficient Object Detection in Large Images Using Deep Reinforcement Learning (  (by Hami Ismail)
94 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
30. Small-Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images with End-to-End Edge-Enhanced GAN and Object Detector Network (  (by Hami Ismail)
95 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
31. AttentionMask: Attentive, Efficient Object Proposal Generation Focusing on Small Objects ( (by Hami Ismail)||
96 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|23, |Holiday||
97 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
98 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. March, 2023
99 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
100 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
101 528 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|2, |-Martirosyan S. Paper- (Withdrawn)
102 528 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-Litvinenko D. Paper- (Moved to 23-Mar)||
103 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|9, |Khubiev K. Paper||
104 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|16, |Boldinov A. Paper
105 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Kamenev V. Paper
106 531 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-Motorin K. Paper-||
107 530 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|23, |-Redko A. Paper- (moved to next)
108 528 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Litvinenko D. Paper (moved from 2-Mar) ||
109 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|30, |Khubiev K. Thesis
110 530 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Tolstokulakov B. Paper
111 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Redko A. Paper
112 531 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Litvinenko D. Paper
113 531 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Motorin K. Paper||
114 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
115 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. April, 2023
116 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
117 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
118 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|6, |||
119 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|13, |Values Seminar - optional||
120 529 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|20, |-Martirosyan S. Thesis-
121 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Motorin K. Thesis
122 529 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Litvinenko D. Thesis
123 529 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Tolstokulakov B. Thesis||
124 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|27, |Boldinov A. Thesis
125 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Kamenev V. Thesis
126 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Redko A. Thesis||
127 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
128 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. May, 2023
129 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
130 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
131 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|4, ||
132 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|11, |Coursework defence||
133 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|18, ||
134 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|25, |||
135 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
136 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
137 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
138 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
139 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
140 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
141 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
142 525 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
143 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h2. Schedule 2022, Autumn
144 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
145 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. September, 2022
146 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
147 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|1, |Introduction to MS|
148 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|8, |Planning|
149 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|15, |Planning|
150 508 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|22, |Planning.|
151 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|29, |~~25 min slot~~
152 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
153 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
154 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
155 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
156 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. October, 2022
157 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
158 509 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|6, |no lesson|
159 500 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|13, |*Vladimir Kamenev*. Paper
160 500 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Artem Boldinov*. Paper
161 520 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Anna Redko*. Paper- (Moved to 17 Nov)
162 504 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
163 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|20, |*Kirill Motorin*. Paper
164 506 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Kasymkhan Khubiev*. Paper
165 509 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Dmitry Litvinenko*. Paper
166 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
167 515 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|27, |-*Anastasia Suslenkova*. Paper- (moved to 3 Nov)
168 517 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Syuzanna Martirosyan*. Paper- (Moved to 3 Nov)
169 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
170 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
171 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
172 499 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. November, 2022
173 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
174 516 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|3, |-*Daria Fomicheva*. Paper- (Moved to 10 Nov)
175 510 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Anastasia Kalinina*. Paper
176 514 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Anastasia Suslenkova*. Paper (Moved from 27 Oct)
177 518 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Syuzanna Martirosyan*. Paper- (Moved from 27 Oct, moved to 17 Nov)|
178 516 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|10, |-*Daria Fomicheva*. Paper- (Moved from 3 Nov, moved to 17 Nov)
179 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
180 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
181 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
182 501 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|17, |*Boris Tolstokulakov*. Paper
183 519 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Evgeniy Pavlovskiy*. Paper- (Moved to 24 Nov)
184 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Sergey Pnev*. Review of Quantum ML Advantages topic.- (Deduced)
185 519 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Syuzanna Martirosyan*. Paper- Not presented (Moved twice from 27 Oct and 3 Nov)
186 519 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Daria Fomicheva*. Paper (Moved twice from 3 Nov and 10 Nov)
187 522 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Anna Redko*. Paper (Moved from 13 Oct)|
188 519 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|24, |*Evgeniy Pavlovskiy*. Paper (Moved from 17 Nov)
189 519 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Syuzanna Martirosyan*. Paper (Moved thrice from 27 Oct, 3 Nov, and 17 Nov)
190 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
191 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
192 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
193 499 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. December, 2022
194 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
195 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|1, |~~25 min slot~~
196 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
197 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
198 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
199 505 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|8, |*Anastasia Suslenkova*. Thesis.
200 505 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Daria Fomicheva*. Thesis
201 523 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Boris Tolstokulakov*. Diploma-
202 523 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Syuzanna Martirosyan*. Thesis-
203 505 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Anastasia Kalinina*. Thesis
204 505 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Dmitry Litvinenko*. Thesis|
205 523 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|15, |-*Kasymkhan Khubiev*. Diploma-
206 505 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Anna Redko*. Thesis
207 505 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Kirill Motorin*. Thesis
208 505 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Vladimir Kamenev*. Thesis
209 511 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Artem Boldinov*. Thesis
210 511 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Anastasia Kalinina*. Thesis|
211 524 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|22, |*Kasymkhan Khubiev*. Diploma (moved from previous week)
212 523 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Syuzanna Martirosyan*. Thesis (moved thrice)
213 523 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Boris Tolstokulakov*. Diploma (moved from 2 weeks back)
214 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
215 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
216 498 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h2. Schedule 2022, Spring
217 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
218 457 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. February, 2022
219 457 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
220 479 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
221 480 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|10, |Planning||
222 479 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|17, |Planning
223 458 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
224 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
1. data2vec (by Evegniy Pavlovskiy)
225 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
2. alpha matting: (by Evegniy Pavlovskiy)
226 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
3. code generation from OpenAI (by Evegniy Pavlovskiy)
227 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
4. qulacs , Please cite this arXiv paper: (by Evegniy Pavlovskiy)
228 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
5. arcface loss (by Mikhail Liz)
229 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
6. Deep Learning for ECG Classification citation 86 , year 2017 (by Enes Kuzucu)
230 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
7. Airbnb Price Prediction Using MachineLearning and Sentiment Analysis citation 13 , year 2019 (by Enes Kuzucu)
231 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
8. Deep Learning for Electromyographic Hand Gesture Signal Classification Using Transfer Learning. 2018, citation 312 (by Enes Kuzucu)
232 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
9. Swin Transformer V2: Scaling Up Capacity and Resolution citations 5, 2021 (SOTA) (by Mikhail Liz)
233 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
10. YOLOv4: Optimal Speed and Accuracy of Object Detection link: (by Alexander Rusnak)
234 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
11. Cut Mix (for data augmentation, related to master Khue Luu)
235 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
12. Speed up Training with Variable Length Inputs by Efficient Batching Strategies ( f.e. Tacotron-2, by Anton Legchenko)
236 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
13. Financial Time Series Prediction Using Deep Learning (16) 2018 (from Virgilio Espina)
237 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
14. Financial Trading as a Game: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach (37) 2018 (from Virgilio Espina)
238 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
15. Trading via Image Classification (15) 2019 (from Virgilio Espina)
239 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
16. Spark NLP: Natural Language Understanding at Scale (11) 2021 (from Virgilio Espina)
240 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
17. Stock Price Prediction via Discovering Multi-Frequency Trading Patterns (171) 2017 (from Virgilio Espina)
241 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
18. Inductive Graph Neural Networks for Spatiotemporal Kriging (18) 2020 (from Virgilio Espina)
242 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
19. Graph Neural Networks in TensorFlow and Keras with Spektral (70) 2020 (from Virgilio Espina)
243 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
20. How Powerful are Graph Neural Networks? (2142) 2018 https://arxiv (from Virgilio Espina)
244 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
21. N-HiTS: Neural Hierarchical Interpolation for Time Series Forecasting (from Alex Barnard)
245 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
22. FinRL: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Quantitative Finance Cited by 16 (From Abhishek Saxena)
246 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
23. Finetuned Language Models Are Zero-Shot Learners (by Maria Matveeva)
247 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
24. SCAN: Learning to Classify Images without Labels (by Maria Matveeva)
248 463 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
25. TAPAS: Weakly Supervised Table Parsing via Pre-training (by Maria Matveeva)
249 465 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
26. TruthfulQA: Measuring How Models Mimic Human Falsehoods (by Maria Matveeva)
250 465 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
27.YOLOX: Exceeding YOLO Series in 2021 ( (by Hami Ismail)
251 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
28. Mask RCNN (  (by Hami Ismail)
252 465 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
29. Efficient Object Detection in Large Images Using Deep Reinforcement Learning (  (by Hami Ismail)
253 465 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
30. Small-Object Detection in Remote Sensing Images with End-to-End Edge-Enhanced GAN and Object Detector Network (  (by Hami Ismail)
254 479 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
31. AttentionMask: Attentive, Efficient Object Proposal Generation Focusing on Small Objects ( (by Hami Ismail)||
255 479 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|24, |Planning, papers assignment||
256 457 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
257 457 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. March, 2022
258 457 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
259 481 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
260 482 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|10, | *Andrey Yashkin*. Master thesis: Development of a compact speech recognition system for mobile devices using a narrowed dictionary.||
261 473 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|17, |*Anton Legchenko*. Speed up Training with Variable Length Inputs by Efficient Batching Strategies
262 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
263 486 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~||
264 487 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|24, |*Sergey Garmaev*.  Accurate Alpha Matting for Portrait Mode Selfies on Pixel 6 (January 24, 2022):
265 491 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Alix Bernard*.  N-HiTS: Neural Hierarchical Interpolation for Time Series Forecasting (Moved to 14.04.2022)
266 487 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Enes Kuzucu*.  Deep Learning for ECG Classification citation 86 , year 2017
267 487 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Khue Luu*.  CutMix: Regularization Strategy to Train Strong Classifiers with Localizable Features
268 487 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Khue Luu*. Master thesis: Brain Tumor Classification With Additional Semantic Features||
269 487 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|31, |
270 481 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Alexander Rusnak*.  YOLOv4: Optimal Speed and Accuracy of Object Detection link:||
271 457 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
272 457 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. April, 2022
273 457 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
274 495 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
275 469 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|7, |*Sergey Pnev*.  Qulacs: a fast and versatile quantum circuit simulator for research purpose,
276 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Sergey Pnev*. Thesis
277 495 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Alix Bernard*. Thesis||
278 490 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|14, |-*Mikhail Liz*.  Swin Transformer V2: Scaling Up Capacity and Resolution citations 5, 2021 (SOTA)- (Student withdrew the report)
279 490 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Alexander Rusnak*. Thesis- (Moved to the next week)
280 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Alix Bernard*.  N-HiTS: Neural Hierarchical Interpolation for Time Series Forecasting (Moved from March)
281 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Hami Ismail*. data2vec
282 495 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Hami Ismail*. Thesis||
283 490 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|21, |*Alexander Rusnak*. Thesis (Moved from 14.04.2022)
284 490 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Maria Matveeva*. SCAN: Learning to Classify Images without Labels 
285 488 Maria Matveeva
*Maria Matveeva*. Thesis
286 494 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Mikhail Liz*. Thesis- (Student withdrew the report)
287 493 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Sergey Garmaev*. Thesis- (Moved to 28.04.2022)
288 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Sergey Berezin*.  Code generation from OpenAI
289 468 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Enes Kuzucu*. Thesis
290 490 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Abhishek Saxena*.  FinRL: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Quantitative Finance Cited by 16- (Moved to the next week)
291 496 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Virgilio Espina*.  Financial Time Series Prediction Using Deep Learning (16) 2018 (Pushed to present the next week)||
292 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|28, |*Sergey Berezin*. Thesis
293 496 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Virgilio Espina*.  Financial Time Series Prediction Using Deep Learning (16) 2018 (pushed from the previous week)
294 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Virgilio Espina*. Thesis
295 468 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Abhishek Saxena*. Thesis
296 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Abhishek Saxena*.  FinRL: Deep Reinforcement Learning for Quantitative Finance Cited by 16 (Moved from 21.04.2022)
297 493 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Anton Legchenko*. An experience of Novosibirsk University SuperComputer Center usage for deep neural networks training. Usage issues.
298 495 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Sergey Garmaev*. Thesis (Moved from 21.04.2022)||
299 457 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
300 457 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h2. Schedule 2021, Winter
301 457 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
302 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. October, 2021
303 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
304 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|7, |Planning|
305 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|14, |Khue Luu, UNETR: Transformers for 3D Medical ImageSegmentation
306 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Sergey Garmaev. Thesis
307 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
308 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
309 446 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|21, |~~25 min slot~~
310 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
311 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
312 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
313 449 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|28, |Hami, thesus
314 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Maria Matveeva, paper
315 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
316 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
317 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
318 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. November, 2021
319 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
320 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|4, |Sergey Pnev. Paper
321 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
322 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
323 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
324 445 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|11, |Enes Kuzucu. Paper
325 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
326 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
327 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
328 453 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|18, |Khue Luu, Thesis (moved th the next class)
329 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
330 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
331 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
332 453 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|25, |-Sergey Pnev. Thesis- (Moved to the next)
333 453 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Khue Luu, Thesis
334 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Maria Matveeva, Thesis
335 451 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-Sergey Garmaev. Paper- (Moved to the next time)
336 451 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-Kirill Lunev. Paper- (Academic vacation)|
337 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
338 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. December, 2021
339 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
340 455 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|2, |-Virgilio. Paper- (Moved to the next time)
341 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-Kirill Lunev. Thesis- (Academic vacation)
342 455 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Anton Legchenko. Paper.
343 455 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-Abhishek Saxena. Paper- (Moved to the next time)
344 455 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-Sergey Garmaev. Paper (Moved from the previous time)- (Moved to the next time)
345 455 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-Sergey Pnev. Thesis (Moved from the previous)- (Moved to the next time)|
346 455 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|9, |-Hami. Paper- (Moved to 23-Dec)
347 449 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Mukhtar. Paper
348 456 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Abhishek Saxena. -Paper- Thesis (Moved from the previous time)
349 455 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Sergey Garmaev. Paper (Moved from the previous time twice)
350 455 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Sergey Pnev. Thesis (Moved from the previous time twice)
351 455 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Virgilio. Paper (Moved from the previous time)|
352 448 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|16, |Enes Kuzucu. Thesis
353 456 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Abhishek Saxena. Paper (not ready, Moved to the next time)
354 456 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Virgilio. Thesis (Moved to the next time)
355 456 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Enes Kuzucu. Paper. Reproducing results|
356 455 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|23, |Hami. Paper (Moved from 9-Dec)
357 456 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Virgilio. Thesis (Moved from the previous time)
358 456 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Abhishek Saxena. Paper (Moved from the previous time)
359 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
360 444 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
361 377 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h2. Schedule 2021, spring
362 377 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
363 426 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Tuesday, 16:20 (NOVST GMT+7), online:
364 377 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
365 377 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. June, 2021
366 377 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
367 386 Vasiliy Baranov
|4, |~~25 min slot~~
368 377 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
369 377 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
370 381 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
371 377 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
372 377 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. May, 2021
373 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
374 427 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|4, #5637|-*Alexander Rusnak*. Thesis: Investigation of the possibility of generating neural network models for the generation of thematically and stylistically conditioned texts for low-resource languages / Исследование возможности создания нейросетевых моделей для генерации тематически и стилистически обусловленных текстов для малоресурсных языков.- (Postponed to uncertain date)
375 411 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Svetlana Kuchuganova*. Bachelor: Применение Mixup-Breakdown алгоритма для улучшения диаризации дикторов / Applying Mixup-Breakdown algorithm for speaker diarization improvement.
376 425 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Mukul Wishvas*. Thesis: Recognition, feature space representation, tracking, and performance enhancement in DCNN driven safety systems. / Распознавание, представление пространства функций, отслеживание и повышение производительности в системах безопасности, управляемых DCNN. (Moved from 18 May)
377 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Walid Koliai*. Thesis (1st year): Управляемая данными онлайн оценка смещений 2D изображения частиц с использованием графического процессора / Data driven online assessment of 2D particle image displacements using GPU.
378 425 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Dinesh Yerukalareddy*. Thesis: Brain Tumor Classification from MRI Images using CNN with Extensive Data Augmentation / Классификация опухолей головного мозга по изображениям МРТ с использованием CNN с расширенной аугментацией данных.- (Moved to 18 May, switched with Mukul)
379 424 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Raphael Blankson*. Thesis: Applying Variational Circuits in Deep Learning Architectures for Improving Discriminative Power of  Speaker Identification Embeddings / Применение вариационных схем в архитектурах глубокого обучения для усиления дискриминативных свойств вложений в задаче идентификации дикторов.
380 418 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Maxim Kochanov*. Bachelor: Применение алгоритмов сегментации опухолей головного мозга для предсказания состояния пациентов / Applying brain tumor segmentation algorithms to predict patients state.
381 419 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Kozinets Roman*. Thesis: Analysis of CNN working with logical decision functions in the task of computer tomography images recognition / Анализ работы сети глубокого обучения с использованием логических решающих функций на примере задачи распознавания изображений компьютерной томографии. (Moved from 20 April)|
382 429 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|11, #5759|*Kirill Kalmutskiy*. Thesis: Training of deep neural networks with incomplete training information on the example of recognition of tomographic images / Обучение глубоких нейросетей при неполной обучающей информации на примере распознавания томографических изображений.
383 434 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Sayed Mohammad Sajjadi*. Thesis (1st year): Нахождение и изучение лидеров мнений в социальных медиа / Finding and studying opinion leaders in social media.- (Postponed to uncertain date)
384 435 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Mikhail Rodin*. Thesis: Investigation of the possibility of constructing neural network models for thematically and stylistically determined poetic texts / Исследование возможности построения пораждающих нейросетевых моделей для тематически и стилистически обусловленных поэтических текстов.- (Postponed to uncertain date)
385 410 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Oladotun Aluko*. Thesis: Studying applicability of Proof-of-Reputation as an alternative consensus mechanism for Distributed Ledger Systems / Исследование применимости "доказательства права репутацией" как альтернативного механизма обеспечения консенсуса для систем распределенного реестра.
386 428 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Rishab Tiwari*. Thesis: Online tool for linguistic and sociolinguistic studies accessing open online resources / Онлайн инструмент для проведения лингвистического и социолингвистического исследования с привлечением открытых онлайн ресурсов.- (Moved to 25 May, exchange with Watana)
387 428 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Watana Pongsapas*. Thesis: Deep learning-based Machine Vision for the Task of Grasping Chemical Hardware. (Moved from 25 May)
388 411 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Mark Baushenko*. Bachelor: Исследование алгоритмов синтеза русской речи, основанных на увеличении разрешения спектрограмм / Russian speech synthesis algorithms investigatoin based on spectrogram superresolution.|
389 427 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|18, #5723|*Daria Pirozhkova*. Thesis: Study of methods for automatic taxonomy enrichment.
390 410 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Enes Kuzucu*. Thesis (1st year): Оценка среднего времени отклика парадигмы стоп-сигнала по сигналам электроэнцефалографии (ЭЭГ) / Estimating average response time for Stop-signal paradigm from Electroencephalography (EEG) signals.
391 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Nikita Nikolaev*. Thesis: Zero-shot learning approach to the problem of short text classification.
392 439 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Sergey Verbitskiy*. Bachelor: Разработка алгоритма распознавания звуков с использованием ансамбля сверточных нейронных сетей / Sounds recognition algorithm development based on convolutional neural networks ensemble.- (Not appeared)
393 425 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Mukul Wishvas*. Thesis: Recognition, feature space representation, tracking, and performance enhancement in DCNN driven safety systems. / Распознавание, представление пространства функций, отслеживание и повышение производительности в системах безопасности, управляемых DCNN.- (Moved to 4 May)
394 425 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Dinesh Yerukalareddy*. Thesis: Brain Tumor Classification from MRI Images using CNN with Extensive Data Augmentation / Классификация опухолей головного мозга по изображениям МРТ с использованием CNN с расширенной аугментацией данных.
395 410 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Kaivalya Pandey*. Thesis: Improving sentiment analysis for stock trends prediciton / Улучшение анализа тональности для предсказания трендов на бирже.|
396 433 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|25, #5769|*Khue Luu*. Thesis (1st year): Сегментаций опухолей мозга на основе 3D-Unet / Brain Tumor Segmentation with 3D-UNet.
397 410 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Alexey Korolev*. Thesis: Generalized zero-shot learning for intent classification and slot filling.
398 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Mikhail Liz*. Thesis: Quantitative processing of scanning probe microscopy image with deep learning techniques.
399 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Watana Pongsapas*. Galaxy detection and identification using deep learning and data augmentation link:, reproducible:
400 428 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Watana Pongsapas*. Thesis: Deep learning-based Machine Vision for the Task of Grasping Chemical Hardware.- (Moved to 11 May, exchange with Rishabh)
401 428 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Rishab Tiwari*. Thesis: Online tool for linguistic and sociolinguistic studies accessing open online resources / Онлайн инструмент для проведения лингвистического и социолингвистического исследования с привлечением открытых онлайн ресурсов. (Moved from 11 May)
402 432 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Alix Bernard*. Thesis: Enhancement of Turbulence Models by Machine Learning Techniques.- (Moved to uncertained date)
403 432 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Vasiliy Baranov*. Thesis: Classification of COVID-19 in Computed Tomography using Deep Neural Networks. (Moved from 30 March)|
404 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
405 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. April, 2021
406 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
407 381 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|6, |[Optional] Data Scientist - values and functions of a professional|
408 416 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|13, #5601|*Sergey Verbitskiy*. wav2vec 2.0: A Framework for Self-Supervised Learning of Speech Representations link:
409 414 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Oladotun Aluko*. Depth-Aware Video Frame Interpolation link:, reproducible: (Moved back to 29 March)
410 407 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Rishabh Tiwari*. ResNeSt: Split-Attention Networks link:, reproducible:
411 407 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Mark Baushenko*. WaveGlow: A Flow-based Generative Network for Speech Synthesis link:, reproducible:
412 415 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Dinesh Reddy*. Unsupervised Representation Learning with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks link:, reproducible: (Moved to April 27)
413 410 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Maria Matveeva*. Thesis (1st year): Обнаружение текстовых связей с использованием методов иерархической кластеризации / Text relation detection using hierarchical clustering techniques.
414 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Andrey Yashkin*. A U-Net Based Discriminator for Generative Adversarial Networks link:, reproducible:
415 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Vladislav Panferov*. Master thesis: Recognition of Rocks Lithology on the Images of Core Samples
416 419 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Mohammed Nasser* (Moved from 29 March)- (Moved to 20 April)
417 419 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Daria Pirozhkova*. SentencePiece: A simple and language independent subword tokenizer and detokenizer for Neural Text Processing link:, reproducible: (Moved from 20 April)|
418 443 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|20 #5775|-*Daria Pirozhkova*. SentencePiece: A simple and language independent subword tokenizer and detokenizer for Neural Text Processing link:, reproducible:
419 422 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Kirill Kalmutskiy*. Wide & Deep Learning for Recommender Systems link:, reproducible: (Moved to next time)
420 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Alexey Korolev*. Neural Oblivious Decision Ensembles for Deep Learning on Tabular Data link:, reproducible:
421 420 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Mikhail Liz*. Faster R-CNN: Towards Real-Time Object Detection with Region Proposal Networks link:, reproducible: (Discarded as student took acad.vacation)
422 420 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Sayed Mohammad*. Opinion leader detection using whale optimization algorithm in online social network link:  (Moved to the next time)
423 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Mikhail Rodin*. Paper.-
424 419 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Kozinets Roman*. Thesis: Analysis of CNN working with logical decision functions in the task of computer tomography images recognition / Анализ работы сети глубокого обучения с использованием логических решающих функций на примере задачи распознавания изображений компьютерной томографии.- (Moved to 4 May)
425 419 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Sergey Garmaev*. SpectralNet: Spectral Clustering using Deep Neural Networks link:, reproducible:
426 422 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Mohammed Nasser* Thesis: Enhancement of consistent depth estimation for monocular videos / Улучшение согласованной оценки глубины для монокулярных видео (Moved from 29 March, 13 April)|
427 423 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|27, #5616|*Hami bin Ismail*. Thesis (1st year): Распознавание различных объектов нефтепромысловой инфраструктуры методами машинного обучения / Recognition of different objects of oilfield infrastructure by machine learning methods.
428 407 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Nikita Nikolaev*. Exploring the Limits of Transfer Learning with a Unified Text-to-Text Transformer link:, reproducible:
429 407 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Mukul Vishwas*. Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation using Cycle-Consistent Adversarial Networks link:
430 407 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Kaivalya Pandey*. Practical Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Stock Trading link:, reproducible:
431 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Raphael Blankson*. The power of data in quantum machine learning link:, reproducible:
432 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Sergey Berezin*. Thesis (1st year): Анализ современных алгоритмов распознавания именованных сущностей и аннотирования текста / Analysis of modern algorithms for named entitiy recognition and text summarization.
433 422 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Dinesh Reddy*. Unsupervised Representation Learning with Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks link:, reproducible: (Moved from 13 April)
434 422 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Kirill Kalmutskiy*. Wide & Deep Learning for Recommender Systems link:, reproducible: (Moved from 20 April)|
435 378 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
436 377 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. March, 2021
437 378 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
438 406 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|2, #5537|-Enes. Paper-
439 395 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Svetlana Kuchuganova. Audio Super Resolution using Neural Networks link:, reproducible:
440 394 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-Maxim Kochanov. Paper.-
441 396 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-Vasiliy Baranov. PointNet: Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation link:, reproducible:
442 395 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Hami Ismail. TableNet: Deep Learning model for end-to-end Table detection and Tabular data extraction from Scanned Document Images link:|
443 406 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|9, #5536|*Rohan Rapthore*. Enriching Pre-trained Language Model with Entity Information for Relation Classification link:, reproducible:
444 398 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Alexander Rusnak*. The Effectiveness of Data Augmentation in Image Classification using Deep Learning link:, reproducible:
445 397 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Maria Matveeva*. Fake News Detection on Social Media using Geometric Deep Learning link:
446 398 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Mohammed Sweilam*. Unsupervised Monocular Depth Estimation with Left-Right Consistency link:, reproducible:
447 398 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Khue Luu*. MultiResUNet : Rethinking the U-Net architecture for multimodal biomedical image segmentationS3D-UNet: Separable 3D U-Net for Brain Tumor Segmentation link:, reproducible:
448 397 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Enes Kuzucu*. Age and gender classification using brain–computer interface link: (moved from 2 March)|
449 406 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|16, #5532|-*Alexander Rusnak*. Report from previous time about the paper results reproducibility.-
450 402 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Vladislav Panferov*. ScispaCy: Fast and Robust Models for Biomedical Natural Language Processing link:, reproducible:
451 402 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Rohan Rathore*. Thesis: Explorative Study of Explainable Artificial Intelligence Techniquest for Sentiment Analysis Applied for English Language.
452 402 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Alix Bernard*. Gradient Centralization: A New Optimization Technique for Deep Neural Networks link:, reproducible:
453 410 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Virgilio Espina*. Thesis (1st year): Применение искусственного интеллекта в прогнозировании вспышки лихорадки Денге на Филиппинах / Application of Artificial Intelligence in Predicting Dengue Outbreak in the Philippines.
454 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Sergey Pnev*. TransUNet: Transformers Make Strong Encoders for Medical Image Segmentation link:, reproducible:
455 402 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Maxim Kochanov*. Image-to-Image Translation with Conditional Adversarial Networks link:, reproducible: (Moved from 2 March)|
456 442 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|23, #5774|-*Vladislav Panferov*. Master thesis: Recognition of Rocks Lithology on the Images of Core Samples- (Moved to 13 April)
457 409 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Walid Koliai*. End to End Learning for Self-Driving Cars link:, reproducible:
458 404 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Vigrilio Espina*. Developing a dengue forecast model using machine learning: A case study in China link:
459 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Sergey Berezin*. Big Bird: Transformers for Longer Sequences link:, reproducible:
460 404 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Kozinets Roman*. YOLOv4: Optimal Speed and Accuracy of Object Detection link:
461 405 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Vasiliy Baranov*. PointNet: Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation link:, reproducible: (Moved from 2 March)
462 413 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Alexander Rusnak*. Report from previous time about the paper results reproducibility. (Moved from 16 March)- (Moved to 30 March)
463 403 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Alix Bernard*. Report from previous time about the paper results reproducibility. (Moved from 16 March)|
464 440 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|30, #5773|-*Mohammed Sweilam*. Thesis: Enhancement of consistent depth estimation for monocular videos / Улучшение согласованной оценки глубины для монокулярных видео- (Moved to 13 April)
465 438 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Oladotun Aluko*. Depth-Aware Video Frame Interpolation link:, reproducible: (Moved from 13 April)
466 441 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Alexander Donets*. Thesis: Automated thesaurus enrichment for the Russian Language using self-supervised deep learning approach.- (Postponed to uncertain date)
467 441 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Alexander Donets*. FLAIR: An Easy-to-Use Framework for State-of-the-Art NLP link:, reproducible: (Postponed to uncertain date)
468 405 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Sergey Pnev*. Thesis (1st year): Алгоритм семантической сегментации томографических изображений с использованием DNN / Algorithm of semantic segmentation of tomographic images using DNN.
469 431 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Vasiliy Baranov*. Thesis: Classification of COVID-19 in Computed Tomography using Deep Neural Networks.- (Moved to 25 May)
470 431 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Vasiliy Baranov. PointNet: Deep Learning on Point Sets for 3D Classification and Segmentation link:, reproducible: (Continue with reproducible report)
471 413 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Alexander Rusnak*. Report from previous time about the paper results reproducibility. (Moved twice from 16,23 March)|
472 379 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
473 377 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. February, 2021
474 377 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
475 379 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|9, |Planning the semester|
476 379 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|16, |Planning the semester
477 377 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
478 377 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
479 389 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|23, |Holiday|
480 309 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
481 310 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h2. Schedule 2020, fall
482 310 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
483 310 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Tuesday, 16:20, online:
484 339 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
485 310 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. September, 2020
486 349 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
487 349 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|8, #3879|Planning the semester|
488 351 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|15, #3898|Invited lecture: Anton Kolonin, "scientific topics for master":
489 349 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Planning the semester|
490 52 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|22, #4005|Invited lecture: Dmitry Tailakov, "scientific topics for master":, "Enterprise Practice from DFT, and from SDAML NSU":/issues/4005
491 312 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Planning the semester|
492 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|29, #4100|Evgeniy Pavlovskiy @euxsun. "Topics for master thesis":
493 352 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Planning the semester|
494 342 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
495 342 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. October, 2020
496 342 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
497 347 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|6, #4197|Sergey Berezin. Towards a Human-like Open-Domain Chatbot
498 354 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Nikita Nikolaev. Sentence-BERT: Sentence Embeddings using Siamese BERT-Networks - IJCNLP 2019 - cited by 194.
499 353 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Virgilio Espina. Reinforcement learning applied to Forex trading.
500 342 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Khue Luu. Generative Adversarial Networks
501 342 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Vladislav Panferov. Progressive Semantic-Aware Style Transformation for Blind Face Restoration|
502 342 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|13, #4325|Daria Pirozhkova. OpenNRE: An Open and Extensible Toolkit for Neural Relation Extraction
503 354 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-Oladotun Aluko. Transformer-OCR (moved due illnes of the reporter)
504 342 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Dinesh Reddy. Community detection in social networks
505 342 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Kirill Lunev. Data mining with big data
506 347 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Walid Koliai. VoiceFilter from Google|
507 353 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|20, #4448|Kaivalya Pandey. 3D Self-Supervised Methods for Medical Imaging,
508 356 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Maria Matveeva. The value of big data for credit scoring: Enhancing financial inclusion using mobile phone data and social network analytics
509 355 Vladislav Panferov
Enes Kuzucu. Deep Learning Applications in Medical Image Analysis /2018/251cit
510 356 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Andrey Yashkin. Semantic Image Synthesis with Spatially-Adaptive Normalization
511 356 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Oladotun Aluko. Transformer-OCR|
512 342 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|27, #4525|Rusnak Alexander. Neural oblivious decision ensembles for deep learning on tabular data,
513 342 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Vladislav Panferov. Thesis: Recognition of Rocks Lithology on the Images of Core
514 312 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Samples (Supervisor: Dmitry Tailakov).
515 312 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Virgilio Espina. Thesis: Dengue Prediciton (Supervisor: Alexey Kolesnikov).
516 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Ahmed Fakhry. Opportunities and challenges for quantum-assisted machine learning in near-term quantum computers /2017/59 Cit.
517 357 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Vassily Baranov. Zero-Shot Learning - A ComprehensiveEvaluation of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly|
518 348 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
519 357 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. November, 2020
520 343 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
521 358 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|3, #4622|Khue Luu. Thesis: Brain Tumor Segmentation (Sci.advisor: Evgeniy N. Pavlovskiy, PhD).
522 358 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Mikhail Liz. Activate or Not: Learning Customized Activation
523 361 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Enes Kuzucu. Thesis: EEG (Sci.advisor: Alexander N. Savostyanov, PhD)..
524 348 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Aaron Xu Zhang. You Only Look Once: Unified, Real-Time Object Detection (and YOLO-5).
525 343 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-Ahmed Fakhry. Thesis: ?.-
526 343 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Watana Pongsapas. Automatic License Plate Recognition with Pyhton and OpenCV.|
527 360 Vasiliy Baranov
|10, #4730|Alexey Korolev. Plug and Play Language Models: A Simple Approach to Controlled Text Generation
528 362 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Rishabh Tiwarri. Mask R-CNN
529 348 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Kirill Kalmutskiy. XGBoost: A Scalable Tree Boosting System
530 348 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Hami Asmai. Predictive big data analytics for supply chain demand forecasting: methods, applications, and research opportunities
531 343 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Vassily Baranov. Thesis: Classification of COVID-19 in Computed Tomography using Deep Neural Networks (Supervisor: V.B. Berikov).|
532 348 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|17, #4731|Sayed Mohammad Sajjadi. Online actions with offline impact: How online social networks influence online and offline user behavior
533 364 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Alix Bernard. Field Inversion and Machine Learning With Embedded Neural Networks: Physics-Consistent Neural Network Training
534 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Alexander Donets. Entity, Relation, and Event Extraction with Contextualized Span Representations
535 348 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Sergey Pnev. Deep neural networks for youtube recommendations
536 358 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Mikhail Rodin. Classification is a Strong Baseline for Deep Metric Learning|
537 348 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|24, #4776|Mukul Vishvas. DeepFaceDrawing: Deep Generation of Face Images from Sketches
538 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Segery Berezin. Thesis: ?.
539 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Mohammed Sweilam. Consistent Video Depth Estimation
540 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-Watana Pongsapas. Automatic License Plate Recognition with Pyhton and OpenCV.- Moved to 3-Nov-2020
541 326 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Raphael Blankson. A variational Algorithm for Quantum Neural Networks|
542 326 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
543 367 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. December, 2020
544 365 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
545 366 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
20 minutes for each presentation.
546 366 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
547 366 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|1, #4873|Aaron Xu Zhang. Thesis: Social structure and dynamics mining for TikTok (social network may change). Supervisor: A.Kolonin.
548 365 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Rohan Rathore. Does BERT Make Any Sense?
549 370 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-Mikhail Rodin. Thesis: Investigation of the possibility of constructing neural network models for thematically and stylistically determined poetic texts. Supervirsor: V.B.Barakhnin, I.Bondarenko.- Not delivered.
550 368 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-Sayed Mohammed Sajjadi. Thesis: ?. Supervisor: A.Kolonin.?- Moved to a next seminar
551 368 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-Oladotun Aluko. Thesis: Studying Applicability of PoR as an alternative consensus mechanism for Distributed Ledger Systems. Supervisor: A.Kolonin.- Not delivered.
552 368 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Walid Koliai. Thesis: 2D online GPU correlation analysis of streamed particle images. Supervisor: Mikhail Tokarev, PhD|
553 368 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|8, #4965|Rohan Rathore. Thesis: Explorative study of explainable artificial intelligence technique for sentiment analysis applied for English language. Supervisor: A.Kolonin.
554 345 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Kirill Kalmutskiy. Thesis: Training of deep neural networks with incomplete training information on the example of recognition of tomographic images. Supervisor: V. Berikov
555 363 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Kirill Lunev. Thesis: . Supervisor: A. Kolonin
556 371 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Mikhail Liz. Thesis: Quantitative processing of scanning probe microscopy image with deep learning techniques. Supervisor: A. Okunev
557 373 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Rusnak Alexander. Thesis: Investigation of the possibility of generating neural network models for the generation of thematically and stylistically conditioned texts for low-resource languages. Supervisor: V. Barakhnin
558 338 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Hami Ismail. Thesis: Recognition of different objects of oilfield infrastructure by machine learning methods. Supervisor: Dmitry Tailakov.
559 344 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
_Maxim Kochanov. DoubleU-Net: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Medical Image Segmentation (15 min)_
560 324 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-_Mark Baushenko. Neural Supersampling for Real-time Rendering. (15 min)_- moved to the next week|
561 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|15, #5110|-Kaivalya Pandey. Thesis.- Not ready.
562 372 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Alix Bernard. Thesis.
563 372 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Daria Pirozhkova. Thesis: Study of methods for automatic taxonomy enrichment for the Russian language. advisor: Batura T.
564 372 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Mukul Vishwas. Thesis.
565 372 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Andrey Yashkin. Thesis.
566 374 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
_Sergey Verbitsky. Residual Audio Neural Networks with Multiple Features for Sound Classification. (10 min)_
567 324 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Sayed Mohammed Sajjadi. Thesis: ?. Supervisor: A.Kolonin. (moved from 1 Dec)
568 324 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Oladotun Aluko. Thesis: Studying Applicability of PoR as an alternative consensus mechanism for Distributed Ledger Systems. Supervisor: A.Kolonin. (moved from 1 Dec)
569 324 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
_Mark Baushenko. Neural Supersampling for Real-time Rendering. (10 min)_ (moved from 8 Dec)|
570 344 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|22, #|-Rishabh Tiwarri. Thesis.- Moved to the next week
571 375 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Nikita Nikoaev. Thesis.
572 375 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Alexey Koroloev. Thesis.
573 376 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Watana Pongsapas. Thesis
574 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Mohammed Sweilam. Thesis.
575 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
_Svelana Kuchuganova. Mixup Breakdown Algorithm. (15 min)_
576 374 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Raphael Blankson. Thesis. (moved from the next week)|
577 374 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|29, #5467|Sergey Pnev. Thesis.
578 374 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Alexander Donets. Thesis.
579 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Maria Matveeva. Thesis.
580 235 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-Raphael Blankson. Thesis.- Moved to the previous week
581 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Dinesh Reddy. Thesis.
582 279 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Rishabh Tiwarri. Thesis. (moved from the previous week)|
583 279 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
584 308 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h2. Schedule 2020, spring
585 301 Abhishek Saxena
586 304 Vladislav Panferov
Thursday, 16:20, -cab 0207 NSU new building, '-1' elevator floor-, online:
587 288 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
588 298 Mohamed Nasser
h3. June, 2020
589 294 Owen Siyoto
590 302 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|4, #3424|*Elena Voskoboy* Coursework
591 302 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Abhishek Saxena* Coursework
592 305 Andrey Yashkin
*Vladislav Panferov* Traditional Method Inspired Deep Neural Network for Edge Detection
593 306 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Sergey Garmaev* Coursework
594 306 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Nikita Nikolaev* Coursework
595 306 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Owen Siyoto* Learning to interpret satellite images in global scale using wikipedia
596 306 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Mohamed Nasser* Coursework
597 306 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Watana Pongsapas* Coursework
598 279 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Alix Bernard* Coursework
599 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Andrey Yashkin* Coursework
600 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Thibault Kollen* Gogioso S. A Corpus-based Toy Model for DisCoCat //arXiv preprint arXiv:1605.04013. – 2016. URL:	
601 278 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Geoffroy de Felcourt* Shen J. et al. Natural tts synthesis by conditioning wavenet on mel spectrogram predictions //2018 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). – IEEE, 2018. – С. 4779-4783. URL:	
602 208 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Antoine Logeais* Skip-thoughts, Infersent, RandSent - Facebook
603 220 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Richard Fambon* Vorontsov K. et al. Bigartm: Open source library for regularized multimodal topic modeling of large collections //International Conference on Analysis of Images, Social Networks and Texts. – Springer, Cham, 2015. – С. 370-381. URL:	||
604 236 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
605 267 Abhishek Saxena
h3. May, 2020
606 307 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
607 307 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|7, #3241|*Ravi Kumar* Master
608 287 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Owen Siyoto* Master
609 215 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Oladotun Aluko* Coursework
610 215 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Alexander Rusnak* Coursework
611 287 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Vladislav Panferov* Coursework
612 281 Elena Voskoboy
*Abhishek Saxena* Blockchain for AI: Review and open research challenges
613 289 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Mikhail Liz* Coursework|
614 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|14, #3248|*Kaivalya Pandey* Coursework
615 289 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Andrey Yashkin* Coursework
616 302 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Rohan Rathore* Coursework
617 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Sergey Garmaev* Coursework- rescheduled for June 4
618 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Dinesh Reddy* Coursework
619 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Elena Voskoboy* Coursework- rescheduled for June 4
620 302 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Munyaradzi Njera* Paper
621 302 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Munyaradzi Njera* Master Thesis|
622 302 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|21, #3283|*Daria Pirozhkova* Coursework
623 215 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Alexey Korolev* Coursework
624 302 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Mohamed Nasser* End-to-End 3D Face Reconstruction with Deep Neural Networks
625 223 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Alexander Donets* Coursework- (academic vacation)
626 290 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Rishabh Tiwari* Coursework- shifted to the next week
627 302 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Olga Yakovenko* Master thesis|
628 292 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|28, #3325|-*Alix Bernard* Coursework- postponed to the next week
629 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Mukul Vishwas* Coursework
630 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Watana Pongsapas* Coursework- postponed to the next week
631 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Raphael Blankson* Coursework
632 259 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Nikita Nikolaev* Coursework- rescheduled for June, 4
633 273 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Olga Yakovenko* Master thesis- (presented 21.05.2020)
634 240 Vladislav Panferov
*Rishabh Tiwari* Coursework|
635 224 Alexander Rusnak
636 250 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. April, 2020
637 252 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
638 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|2, #|[Optional] Daia Scientist - values of a professional|
639 258 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|9 -2-, #3202|*Thibault Kollen* Flipout: Efficient pseudo-independent weight perturbations on mini-batches
640 272 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Richard Fambon* Tensor Networks
641 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Alexander Rusnak* GPT-2
642 262 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Dinesh Reddy* Brain Tumor Sementation Using Deep Learning by Type Specific Sorting of Images
643 259 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Alix Bernard* Deep Learning based Approach to Reduced Order Modelling
644 241 Vladislav Panferov
*Ravi Kumar* Complex Convolution. IEEE
645 272 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Olga Yakovenko* University of Pau|
646 259 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|16 -9-, #3226|*Rohan Rathore* Layer-wise relevance propagation: an overview
647 263 Mukul Vishwas
*Antoine Logeais* Weight uncertainty in neural networks
648 210 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Owen Siyoto* Learning to interpret satellite images in global scale using wikipedia-
649 212 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Alexey Korolev* Bert-dst: Scalable end-to-end dialogue state tracking with bidirectional encoder representations from transformer
650 264 Daniil Fishman
*Alexander Donets* Implicit weight uncertainty in neural networks|
651 264 Daniil Fishman
|23 -16-, #3225|*Jetina Tsvaki* Understanding mixup training methods
652 268 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Jetina Tsvaki* Master
653 271 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Mukul Vishwas* A Study on Face Recognition Techniques with Age and Gender Classification
654 218 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Rishabh Tiwari*
655 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Geoffroy de Felcourt* Jasper: An end-to-end convolutional neural acoustic model
656 271 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Fishman Daniil* XGBoost: A Scalable Tree Boosting System
657 268 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Fishman Daniil* Master
658 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Mikhail Rodin* Grad-CAM: Visual Explanations from Deep Networks via Gradient-based Localization-|
659 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|30, #3240|*Raphael Blankson* Towards quantum machine learning with tensor networks 
660 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Vassily Baranov* Coursework
661 247 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Kalmutskiy Kirill* Coursework
662 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Mikhail Liz* Coursework- (illness)
663 228 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Mikhail Rodin* Grad-CAM: Visual Explanations from Deep Networks via Gradient-based Localization|
664 228 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
665 228 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. March, 2020
666 248 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
667 238 Vladislav Panferov
|5, #3137|-*Elena Voskoboy* Hybrid VAE for NLG-
668 239 Vladislav Panferov
*Mikhail Liz* Deep learning for symbolic mathematics
669 239 Vladislav Panferov
*Vassily Baranov* Distilling knowledge
670 249 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Andrey Yashkin*-
671 228 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Sergey Garmaev* Reservoir Computing|
672 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|12, #3138|*Oladotun Aluko* NASNet and AutoML
673 251 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Watana Pongsapas*  Deep learning: A Generic approach for extreme condition traffic
674 202 Omid Razizadeh
*Kirill Kalmutsky* Variational Quantum Circuits and Deep Reinforcement Learning
675 239 Vladislav Panferov
*Andrey Yashkin* Quantum circuit learning|
676 251 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|19, #3139|*-Geoffroy de Felcourt-*
677 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Elena Voskoboy* Hybrid VAE for NLG
678 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
679 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|26, #3190|*Omid Razizadeh* Reynolds Averaged Turbulence Modeling using Deep Neural Networks with Embedded Invariance.
680 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Omid Razizadeh* Master thesis
681 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Kaivalya Pandey* Deep Reinforcement Learning
682 242 Vladislav Panferov
-*Alix Bernard* Deep Learning based Approach to Reduced Order Modelling-.|
683 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
684 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. February, 2020
685 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
686 242 Vladislav Panferov
|6, #3133|Planning the semester|
687 227 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|13, #3133|Planning the semester|
688 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|20, #3136|*Nikita Nikolaev* Zero and Few shot learning
689 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
690 199 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
691 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
692 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|27, #3135|*Daria Pirozhkova* ERNIE
693 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Sergey Garmaev* Reservoir Computing-
694 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
695 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
696 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
697 192 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h2. Schedule 2019, fall
698 192 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
699 169 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Thursday, 18:10, cab 5239 NSU new building
700 189 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
701 189 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. December, 2019
702 194 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
703 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|5, #2819|*Rohan Rahore* “Why Should I Trust You?” Explaining the Predictions of Any Classifier
704 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Jetina Tsvaki* Thesis
705 185 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Omid Razizadeh* Thesis
706 185 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Mihail Rodin* Style transfer-
707 195 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Mohammed Sweilam*-|
708 195 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|12, #2860|*Ravi Kumar* Thesis
709 195 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Raphael Blankson*
710 195 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Nikita Nikolaev*
711 195 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Abhishek Saxena*
712 195 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Rishabh Tiwarri*|
713 195 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|19, #2946|Conducted by *Kaivalya Anand Pandey*
714 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Jetina Tsvaki* Paper
715 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Elizaveta Tagirova* Paper with code: Deep-speare: A Joint Neural Model of Poetic Language, Meter and Rhyme-
716 195 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Elizaveta Tagirova* Master thesis-
717 187 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Vladislav Panferov*-
718 195 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Mikhail Liz* CosFace
719 195 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Alexander Rusnak*|
720 195 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|26, #|*Mihail Rodin* Style transfer
721 195 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Mohammed Sweilam*
722 195 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Alexander Rusnak*-
723 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Owen Siyoto* Master thesis
724 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Owen Siyoto* Efficient Net
725 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
726 175 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
* *Elizaveta Tagirova* Paper with code: Deep-speare: A Joint Neural Model of Poetic Language, Meter and Rhyme-
727 167 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
* *Elizaveta Tagirova* Master thesis
728 167 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
* *Vladislav Panferov*|
729 196 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
730 198 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. November, 2019
731 183 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
732 159 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|7, #2660|*Sergey Garmaev*
733 193 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Dinesh Reddy*
734 183 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Daria Pirozhkova*
735 184 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Oladotun Aluko*-
736 184 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Ravi Kumar* Segmentation of Brain Tumors and Patient Survival Prediction: Methods for the BraTS 2018 Challenge|
737 163 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|14, #2720|*Roman Kozinets*, Weight Agnostic Neural Networks
738 184 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Roman Kozinets*, Master thesis
739 182 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Elena Voskoboy* A neural algorithm of artistic style
740 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Alix Bernard*
741 188 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Oladotun Aluko*-|
742 165 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|21, #2726|*Kaivalya Pandey*
743 167 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Alexander Donets*
744 186 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Rishabh Tiwari*-
745 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Andrey Yashkin*
746 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Oladotun Aluko*|
747 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|28, #2766|*Alexey Korolev*
748 179 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Kirill Kalmutskiy*
749 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Mukul Vishwas*
750 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Antoine Kristanek*|
751 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
752 178 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. October, 2019
753 162 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
754 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|3, #2447|~~25 min slot~~
755 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
756 177 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
757 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
758 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|10, #2456|Scientific Advisor: prof. Yakovenko S.N.
759 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Scientific Advisor: Postovalov S.N.
760 172 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Scientific Advisor: Bondarenko I., Batura T.V.
761 172 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
762 172 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|17, #2473|*Munyaradzi Njera* Paper
763 176 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
764 172 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
765 166 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
766 197 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|24, #|Scientific Advisor: prof. Palchunov D.E.
767 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Munyaradzi Njera* Thesis
768 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Vassily Baranov*|
769 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|31, #2638|*Omid Razizadeh*, Data-driven predictive using field inversion
770 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~
771 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Watana Pongsapas*
772 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Ravi Kumar* Segmentation of Brain Tumors and Patient Survival Prediction: Methods for the BraTS 2018 Challenge-|
773 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
774 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. September, 2019
775 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
776 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
1. Introduction
777 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
2. Scientific advisors presentations:
778 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
779 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
780 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
# Taylakov D. (Digital Field Technology)
781 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
# Kolonin A.
782 180 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
# Okunev A.
783 157 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
# Usov E. (
784 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
785 129 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
To be presented:
786 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
# ... see
787 102 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
788 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
3. Planning the semester #2435 (20.09.2019, 26.09.2019)
789 103 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
790 141 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h2. Schedule 2019, spring
791 143 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Thursday, 16:20, cab 5212 NSU new building
792 156 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
793 153 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. May, 2019
794 154 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
795 155 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|23, #|*Munjaradzi Njera* Master thesis
796 155 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Andrey Marinov*: Selsam, D., Lamm, M., Bünz, B., Liang, P., de Moura, L., & Dill, D. L. (2018). Learning a SAT solver from single-bit supervision. arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.03685.
797 155 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Ravi Kumar* Course work
798 154 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Klim Markelov* Master thesis-
799 141 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Roman Kozinets* Master thesis (imaging)
800 149 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Anton Dorozhko* Reinforcement Learning for long-term reward optimization in recommender systems (Master thesis)
801 142 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Omid Razizadeh* Coursework: Detecting Alzheimer's disease using different machine learning approaches
802 142 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Artem Sergeev* Paper: Speech Commands: A Dataset for Limited-Vocabulary Speech Recognition
803 142 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Artem Sergeev* Master Thesis|
804 102 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|16, #|*Jetina Tsvaki* Master thesis
805 102 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Anik Chakrabarthy* Master thesis
806 102 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Dylan Bersans* Outside the closed world: On Using ML for Network Intrusion Detection
807 151 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Andrey Marinov* Master thesis: Research on an efficiency of the bilingual model for the silent speech recognition.
808 151 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Ivan Rogalsky* Open System Categorical Quantum Semantics in NLP (master thesis, review)
809 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Jetina Tsvaki* Predicting Oil Movement in a development System Using Deep Latent Dynamic Models|
810 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
811 143 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. April, 2019
812 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
813 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|25, #|Open Seminar jointly with Open Data Science Siberia
814 151 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Andrey Zubkov* Master thesis: Separability of silent speech phonemes for English language. Speaker and session independence.
815 152 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Evgeniy Kurochkin* Master thesis
816 142 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Alexandra Luchkina* Master thesis
817 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Leyuan Sheng* Master thesis: Text to speech synthesis using Generative Adversarial networks for speech enhancement.
818 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Malysheva Anastasia* Master thesis: The development and research of the prediction methods for time series obtained by the combination of different patterns.
819 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Olga Yakovenko* Course work
820 109 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Juan Pinzon* Master thesis: Sentiment Analysis in Social Media Texts (Spanish language)
821 142 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
822 142 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|18, #|-*Ivan Rogalsky* Open System Categorical Quantum Semantics in NLP (master thesis, review)
823 145 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Ravi Kumar* Master thesis
824 147 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Jetina Tsvaki* Predicting Oil Movement in a development System Using Deep Latent Dynamic Models
825 139 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Dylan Bersans* Outside the closed world: On Using ML for Network Intrusion Detection
826 137 Anastasia Malysheva
*Olga Yakovenko* Course work
827 137 Anastasia Malysheva
*Juan Pinzon* Master thesis- replaced by
828 145 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Natalia Loukashevich* Modern trends on NLP (Tochka Kipenia, Academpark, 16:00, 18.04.2019)|
829 138 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|11, #2164|*Leyuan Sheng* Tacotron 2
830 143 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Klim Markelov* Master thesis-
831 146 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Juan Pinzon* Master thesis-
832 116 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Ravi Kumar* State of the art Deep Learning: Evolving Machine Intelligence Toward Tomorrow's
833 102 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Malysheva Anastasia* Attention is all you need |
834 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|4, #2146|*Roman Kozinets* CNN for speech command recognition. Review
835 102 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Ivan Rogalsky* Quantum-Theoretic Approach in Dicstr. Semantics-
836 144 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Akilesh Sivaswamy* Master thesis: Data classification using superposition and HMM
837 133 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Madina Tussupova* Master Thesis: Determination of grammatical categories using machine learning algorithms
838 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Madina Tussupova* 5.3. Wieting J., Kiela D. No Training Required: Exploring Random Encoders for Sentence Classification //arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.10444. – 2019. URL (20 min)|
839 132 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
840 120 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. March, 2019
841 131 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
842 120 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|28, #2105|-*Ravi Kumar* State of the art Deep Learning: Evolving Machine Intelligence Toward Tomorrow's-
843 130 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Munjaradzi Njera* Human-level control through deep reinforcement learning
844 130 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Thomas Vialars* Artificial Intelligence Safety and Cybersecurity: a Timeline of AI Failures
845 127 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Petr Gusev* MXNet
846 105 Klim Markelov
*Petr Gusev* Master Thesis|
847 104 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|21, #2086|*Juan Pinzon* Universal Language Model Fine-tuning for Text Classification
848 125 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Elizaveta Tagirova* Master Thesis
849 128 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Petr Gusev* MXNet-
850 102 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Seth Gyamerah* Understanding consumer behavior-|
851 122 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|14, #2076|*Omid Razizadeh* Pixel Recurrent Neural Networks.
852 122 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Klim Markelov* A Style-Based Generator Architecture for Generative Adversarial Networks.
853 97 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Anik Chakrabarthy* DisCoCat toy model
854 97 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Akilesh Sivaswamy* CosFace|
855 97 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|7, #2071|-*Andrey Zubkov* Performance of Word Embeddings- (previously reported)
856 118 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Alexandra Luchkina* Triplet loss
857 123 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Evgeniy Kurochkin* Self-Taught Convolutional Neural Networks for Short Text Clustering
858 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Olga Yakovenko* BigARTM|
859 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
860 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. February, 2019
861 108 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
862 107 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|28, #2058|*Elizaveta Tagirova* Universal Sentence Encoder
863 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Andrey Zubkov* Neurohackathon on autism disorder: prized solution
864 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~time slot (25 min)~~
865 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~time slot (25 min)~~|
866 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|21, #2054|*Vyacheslav Mukhortov* Project Management Practice: teambiudling and project tasks.
867 54 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Evgeniy Pavlovskiy* Planning of academic seminar for Spring, 2019|
868 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
869 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h2. Schedule 2018, fall
870 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Thursday, 18:10, cab 5273 NSU new building
871 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
872 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. December, 2018
873 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
874 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|6, #2034|*Leyuan Sheng*, CycleGAN
875 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Tagirova Elizaveta*. LIME (local interpretable model-agnostic explanations)
876 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Luchkina Alexandra*, Sobolev Training
877 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Fishman Daniil*, Prediction of enhancer-promoter interactions via natural language processing|
878 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|13, #|*Anton Kolonin*. Topics for master work.
879 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Evgeniy Averyanov*, Schmidt, Mark. Minimizing finite sums with the stochastic average gradient / M. Schmidt, N. Le Roux, F. Bach // Mathematical Programming. — 2017. — Vol. 162(1). — P. 83–112. — URL:
880 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Polina Potapova*, XNOR-Net,
881 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Lee Wonjai*. Bayesian CDF (continue with example)
882 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
883 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|20, #|-*Artem Sergeev*. ArcFace-
884 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Gyamerah Seth*, Fuzzy time series on financial forecasting
885 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Mulley Loic*, Triplet Loss
886 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Kurochkin Evgeniy*, DenseNet
887 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
888 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|27, #|*Julien Machet*, Machine learning top down and bottom up.
889 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Ivan Rogalsky*
890 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Arsentiy Melnikov* Teacher student curriculum learning
891 64 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Loic Mulley*, Triplet Loss
892 65 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Artem Sergeev*, ArcFace|
893 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
894 64 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. November, 2018
895 77 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
896 74 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|1, #|*Petr Gusev*. ResNet, ResNeXt K. He, X. Zhang, S. Ren, and J. Sun. Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition. In CVPR, 2016
897 86 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Anastasia Malysheva*, Variational Autoencoders
898 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Anik Chakrabarthy*. Quantum Semantics
899 64 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
~~25 min slot~~|
900 67 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|8, #|*Akilesh Sivawamy*, Mobile NN.
901 75 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Lee Wonjai*. Bayesian CDF
902 62 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
-*Polina Potapova*, XNOR-Net, (moved to December)
903 59 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Olga Yakovenko*, RNN for Speech Recognition|
904 64 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|15, #|*Ravi Kumar*, Deep Learning in Mobile and Wireless Networks: a Survey
905 87 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Munjaradzi Njera*, Attentioned based LSTM
906 56 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Juan Fernando Pinzon Correa*, Rapids AI
907 85 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Urynbassarov Mukhtar*, GAN|
908 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|22, #|lost|
909 88 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|29, #|*Roman Kozinets*, Siamese NN
910 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Omid Razizadeh*, tSNE
911 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Jetina Tsvaki*, Natural language based financial forecasting: a survey
912 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Owen Siyoto*, Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution Using a Generative Adversarial Network|
913 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
914 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. October, 2018
915 88 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
916 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|18, #2028|Planning the semester|
917 89 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
|25, #|*Klim Markelov*, Capsule NN
918 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Andrey Zubkov*, Dynamic Word Embeddings
919 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
*Vitaly Poteshkin*, MixUp
920 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
Planning the semester|
921 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
922 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h3. September, 2018
923 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
924 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
1. 2nd year students coursework pre-defence: (1) #2008, (2) 14.09.2018.
925 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
926 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
2. Scientific advisors presentations:
927 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
928 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
# Taylakov D.
929 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
# Savostyanov A.N.
930 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
# Duchkov A.
931 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
# Golovin S.
932 96 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
# Pavlovskiy E.
933 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
# Kohanovskiy A.
934 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
# Sviridenko D.
935 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
# Redyuk A.
936 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
# Vityaev E.
937 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
938 1 Evgeniy Pavlovskiy
h2. [[Archive]]