Meeting #5637
Scientific seminar 2021-05-04 Papers Presentations
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:
16:20 - 18:26
Participants (Wiki):
1. Plan change¶
1. Alexander Rusnak. Thesis: Investigation of the possibility of generating neural network models for the generation of thematically and stylistically conditioned texts for low-resource languages / Исследование возможности создания нейросетевых моделей для генерации тематически и стилистически обусловленных текстов для малоресурсных языков. (Postponed to uncertain date)
2. Dinesh Yerukalareddy. Thesis: Brain Tumor Classification from MRI Images using CNN with Extensive Data Augmentation / Классификация опухолей головного мозга по изображениям МРТ с использованием CNN с расширенной аугментацией данных. (Moved to 18 May, switched with Mukul)
2. Papers presenting¶
1 16:27 - 16:41 Svetlana Kuchuganova. Bachelor: Применение Mixup-Breakdown алгоритма для улучшения диаризации дикторов / Applying Mixup-Breakdown algorithm for speaker diarization improvement. presentation2 16:42 - 17:01 Mukul Vishwas. Thesis: Recognition, feature space representation, tracking, and performance enhancement in DCNN driven safety systems. / Распознавание, представление пространства функций, отслеживание и повышение производительности в системах безопасности, управляемых DCNN. (Moved from 18 May) presentation
3 17:01 - 17:09 Walid Koliai. Thesis (1st year): Управляемая данными онлайн оценка смещений 2D изображения частиц с использованием графического процессора / Data driven online assessment of 2D particle image displacements using GPU. presentation
4 17:09 - 17:31 Raphael Blankson. Thesis: Applying Variational Circuits in Deep Learning Architectures for Improving Discriminative Power of Speaker Identification Embeddings / Применение вариационных схем в архитектурах глубокого обучения для усиления дискриминативных свойств вложений в задаче идентификации дикторов. presentation
5 17:31 - 17:59 Maxim Kochanov. Bachelor: Применение алгоритмов сегментации опухолей головного мозга для предсказания состояния пациентов / Applying brain tumor segmentation algorithms to predict patients state. presentation
- Khue: what is the most important thing?
- Vigrilio: (in chat)
- Alexey Korolev: (...)
Recorded video:
Updated by Evgeniy Pavlovskiy almost 4 years ago
- File academic_seminar_vkr.pptx added
- File Master_Thesis_Presentation__May21_V1.pdf added
- File Data_driven_online_assessment_of_2D_particle_image_displacements.pdf added
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Evgeniy Pavlovskiy almost 4 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Evgeniy Pavlovskiy almost 4 years ago
- Description updated (diff)
Updated by Evgeniy Pavlovskiy almost 4 years ago
- File VKR.pdf added
- File Predefence_2021.pdf added
- File Master_thesis_Kozinets_Roman.pdf added
- Description updated (diff)
- Status changed from New to Resolved
- % Done changed from 0 to 80
Updated by Evgeniy Pavlovskiy almost 4 years ago
- Status changed from Resolved to Closed
- % Done changed from 80 to 100