


Meeting #4965

Scientific seminar 2020-12-08 Papers Presentations

Added by Evgeniy Pavlovskiy over 4 years ago. Updated over 4 years ago.

Middle (Средний)
Start date:
Due date:
% Done:


Status-->[New] [Resolved] [Closed] [Canceled] 


1. Papers reading

1 16:23 - 16:39 Rohan Rathore. Thesis: Explorative study of explainable artificial intelligence technique for sentiment analysis applied for English language. Supervisor: A.Kolonin. Presentation
2 16:39 - 16:58 Kirill Kalmutskiy. Thesis: Training of deep neural networks with incomplete training information on the example of recognition of tomographic images. Supervisor: V. Berikov Presentation
3 16:58 - 17:14 Kirill Lunev. Coursework: Exploring Sentiment Dynamics in Social Media. Supervisor: A. Kolonin Presentation
4 17:14 - 17:25 Mikhail Liz. Thesis: Quantitative processing of scanning probe microscopy image with deep learning techniques. Supervisor: A. Okunev Presentation
5 17:26 - 17:40 Rusnak Alexander. Thesis: Investigation of the possibility of generating neural network models for the generation of thematically and stylistically conditioned texts for low-resource languages. Supervisor: V. Barakhnin Presentation
6 17:40 - 17:57 Hami Ismail. Thesis: Recognition of different objects of oilfield infrastructure by machine learning methods. Supervisor: Dmitry Tailakov. Presentation
7 17:58 - 18:17 Maxim Kochanov. DoubleU-Net: A Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Medical Image Segmentation Presentation

Recorded video:

Attendance time report: attached

RusnakAD.pdf (1.56 MB) Evgeniy Pavlovskiy, 2020-12-08 19:15

Rohan_Thesis_Presentation.pdf (124 KB) Evgeniy Pavlovskiy, 2020-12-08 19:15

AS_Diplom_Presentation-2.pdf (2.35 MB) Evgeniy Pavlovskiy, 2020-12-08 19:15

Kalmutskiy_Kirill_AS_topic.pdf (2.53 MB) Evgeniy Pavlovskiy, 2020-12-08 19:47

Exploring sentiment dynamics in social media.pptx (702 KB) Evgeniy Pavlovskiy, 2020-12-08 19:52

DoubleU-Net2020Kochanov.pptx (1.28 MB) Evgeniy Pavlovskiy, 2020-12-08 20:17

Recognition of Different Object of Oilfield Infrastructure.pptx (4.51 MB) Evgeniy Pavlovskiy, 2020-12-08 20:19

2020.10.08.AS.xlsx (15.4 KB) Evgeniy Pavlovskiy, 2020-12-11 12:40


#1 Updated by Evgeniy Pavlovskiy over 4 years ago

#2 Updated by Evgeniy Pavlovskiy over 4 years ago

#3 Updated by Evgeniy Pavlovskiy over 4 years ago

#5 Updated by Evgeniy Pavlovskiy over 4 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

#7 Updated by Evgeniy Pavlovskiy over 4 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)
  • Time changed from 16:20 - 18:20 to 16:20 - 18:21

#8 Updated by Evgeniy Pavlovskiy over 4 years ago

  • File 2020.10.08.AS.xlsx added
  • Status changed from New to Resolved
  • % Done changed from 0 to 80
  • Participants (Wiki) set to Maria - 39%, Mohammed Nasser - 4%, Rishabh - 83%, Sergey B. - 59%, Daria - 84%
  • Participants Alexander Donets, Alexey Korolev, Alix Bernard, Darya Pirozhkova, Dinesh Reddy Yerukalareddy , Enes Esvet Kuzucu, Kaivalya Pandey, Maria Matveeva, Mikhail Liz, Mikhail Rodin, Minh Sao Khue Luu, Mohamed Nasser, Mukul Vishwas, Nikita Nikolaev, Oladotun Oluwagbemi , Raphael Blankson, Rishabh Tiwarri, Sergey Berezin, Sergey Pnev, Sergey Verbitskiy, Svetlana Kuchuganova, Virgilio Espina, Vladislav Panferov, Walid Koliai, Watana Pongsapas added

#9 Updated by Evgeniy Pavlovskiy over 4 years ago

  • Description updated (diff)

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